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Hey guys, I'll be posting an update soon, was hoping to include some cool stuff that should be announced this month, but I may just save that for a future update as it's already 7/7...

With that, I wanted to remind some folks they were poster drawing winners but have yet to shoot me their addresses. I'm not hard up on sending these out, but I feel bad that I haven't shipped these off to folks. For everyone listed, I'm pretty sure I sent an email (to the listed Patreon e-addresses), but if yer seeing your name for the first time, hit me up and shoot 'em out!

Also, if I HAVE sent you one (and yer on the list), please lemme know, my tracking methods aren't as comprehensive as my scheduling methods.

  • sailorsuzyq / Oibara
  • Shane Danells
  • Iron Alligator
  • Dylon Webb
  • tim stratton
  • Keegan
  • Jason Hughes
  • Divaldi
  • Pixlpit
  • Joe Whelan
  • Bill Zhuang
  • Samakin Pie

UPCOMING PROJECTS: Aiming for releases this month: A Yugioh short, a Herly Mounds teaser, and a SleepyCast episode. Also more streams: demo reviews, animation, and will attempt a GTA RP stream at some point lol

July's a month of cons/expos and social engagements... all sorts of stuff that makes getting shit done a little more difficult. However, that can't/won't stop me. And August will be a clear shot of pure "get shit done", after the last couple months of commission work and engagements, I'm looking forward to a solid month of just "doing our thang".

Big ups and see ya on discord<333



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