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My lovelies, an update... let us feast.

Cherry Family

Three animations for Cherry were completed this month. Well, two for them and one for me. The version of the toon I posted above is 30 seconds longer and has a very different ending than the client version. Always appreciate the freedom they give me with the projects. Regardless, friends -- TIS DONE! Cherry is off the plate, and it's time keep this ship sailin.

NEXT: Yugioh short and Herly Mounds teaser

The Yugioh short has half the voicing complete and the board roughed out. The Herly Mounds teaser and completed audio and a more complete (but still rough board). I'm aiming to have both done in July, despite an unsually truncated schedule due to two cons and several personal engagements. Just gonna have to juggle them BAWLS! 

OTHER STUFF: Sonex 2 and more Streams and more...

Now that I'm basically cutting the strings of commissioned work and attempting to basically build the patreon and hope VO work keeps coming to pay the bills, I really want to use this time to hit my back-logged list of projects from forever ago. I'll also be using this time to get back into animation streams as well as more of the VO demo streams, hangin with peeps while crankin through toons (and possibly doing so with other animator pals)

Video update: Meant to make one, but...

So there's a couple cool things comin' up (and comin' out) next month and I wanted for them to happen/announce before I made another video update so as to share <3 

That's it for now! Other stuff on the roster (behind the scenes) are getting my car registration up to date, another Sleepycast, a charity event for AngelXMikey's double-lung surgery, a bunch of cons and and stuuuuuufffff... but i'm sure we'll chat about it on the discord <3


The Cherry Family : Launch Time

Dad attempts to properly back the boat trailer into the boat launch. This'll just take a minute. Featuring the line art animation of Kreid https://www.youtube.com/user/Kr3id The voice talent of Monica Franco https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEkgzT743AGz2ponLCcR71A And the music of Kevin MacLeod https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSZXFhRIx6b0dFX3xS8L1yQ Produced by Stealth Interactive for Cherry Insurance Everything else by Ricepirate


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