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The poll results are in!  But before that, here comes one last batch of updates for Fantasy Month!

So for Karlach, I wanted to show her in full Barbarian rage mode because like I said, there are few things scarier then that sort of visual.  I also quite like running barbarians on the tabletop because of how few things I need to keep track of.  Basically, did I hit?  Did I crit?  Did I cleave?  Sweet, the trifecta.  Excuse me while I savor the DM's tears. 😄

Anyways, Barbarians are known for trying to pull off the most insane feats in the hopes of getting a bard to sing of their exploits.  So why not have Karlach trying to take on a dragon?  I actually know one barbarian who tried this so it's not that far fetched.  Karlach can come in full fire mode too because yes, she's actually is on fire while raging.

So for this month's bonus design, I decided to do a little tweak on the Witch Hunter and make a Van Helsing version - Hugh Jackman's most iconic role obviously. 😉 But seriously, I'm kind of surprised he's still capable of reprising his Wolverine role in next Deadpool movie.  He might actually have Logan's mutant powers. 😅

Got one more version of Daemon Primarch Magnus to show.  This is probably the one that will be shown publicly but honestly, I made so many variations you'll be able to mix and match anything you want.  And yes, I will be including all the other stuff the community requested.

Anyways, the bonus Van Helsing version will come with an additional pose shooting his repeating crossbow.  Based on community feedback, they would like the Witch Hunter to have different weapon options so it can be used in a variety of settings.  So the standard and bonus Witch hunter will have different weapon options for shooting like a flamer, inferno pistol, bolter and plasma gun.  

Moving on to poll results, Tali and the Armored Core suggestions were the winners.  So next month, I'll be working on them and Mara Jade.  Speaking of which, I got a lot of good suggestions on who would be a good casting choice, thanks!  I'll think about what to go with as things develop.

I'm probably going to push the Farseer/Bonesinger back into the March's standard Grimdark Month.  There were a lot of community requests this month that I didn't manage to get to like Death Dealer on foot and a pre heresy Magnus proxy (it's 50% there but I'll need next month to really finish it properly).  I'll need next month to finish those versions off.  Also, it's a short month so it's best to be conservative on how much can realistically be done.

So I'm still cataloguing everything that will be released in February but basically every character I posted as WIPs in January will be available and most will come with parts versions.  For the Magnus proxy, there will also be a bunch of optional versions I've never posted.

So that's another Fantasy Month in the books!  Karlach was a lot of fun to work on.  BG fans, please spread word she'll be making a grand entrance next month.  Thousand Sons players, your Primarch will be shaking things up as well so please let Grimdark fans know!

Alright, onto Sci Fi Month!  "Go for the optics, Chatika! Go for the optics!"




Super excited for all the Magnus versions and the the Pre-Heresy Magnus Proxy.


Will the dragon head be able to be printed and displayed separately? If so, will there be a "keyhole" opening or something to facilitate it? I don't have any use for the diorama, but I'd DEFINITELY print up that dragon head and hang it on a wall!


That's a cool idea! Yes, the dragon head comes separately and in parts! 👍