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The Grimdark Poll is here!  All items are taken from the Grimdark Suggestion Box.  It is a combination of new items and popular items from last round that did not win.  Here's the link to all the items in the poll (attached to post as well).

Grimdark Voting is now one Imperium/Chaos and one Xenos poll running simultaneously.  You can find the Imperium/Chaos poll here.

A couple of things to note:

  • The Khan and Krorks are guaranteed next month.  Therefore I will only take one or two suggestions at most from each poll.  But if the results are close enough and have enough interest, I may queue them into the Fantasy, Sci Fi Alternative lineup if I think there's enough overlap in that month's theme.
  • If a Primarch wins, he will be delayed at least a month.  There is no way I can do two Primarchs properly in one month.  
  • Only suggestions with proper names are added to the polls.
  • I'm grouping suggestions that are very similar visually into one poll item (i.e. Eldar Farseer Bonesinger Type Character)
  • The next set of Sci Fi WIPs will be up in the next couple of days.

Each poll will be open until August 30th, 6:00pm EDT.




It's gotta be Maugan Ra! There is no other choice, Cannot wait to see your take on him! Edit: Actually there is a second, Vect!!!! yes!!!

Ciaphas Cain

I remember back in the old days when Orks first came out. I scratch-built Wazdakka. Nothing more interesting than a bike with twin-linked autocannons and a battle cannon. Man, those were the days.


Slaugth models would be awesome – especially as they don't exist elsewhere (to my knowledge). I had a idea of expanding them with slaved human brains inserted into biomechanical constructs partly for the impact on morale. Imagining having to take down something that clearly thinks that it is an Imperial Knight pilot and you are xenos...


Really looking for a printing version of the genestealers. If they don't get done this time I certainly hope they will be done in the future


I really want a new Asdrubael Vect Dais of Destruction model


absolutely vect dias the leader of the dark eldar and his ship he has no model now and hasnt forever im really starting to hate polls you know how many proxies of Ra are out there.


I would prefer Karandras in the mix and Ilic Nightspear. Maugun Ra and especially Jain Zar have plenty of models around. Admittedly none of them are really nice. Also Harlequin heroes in general would be nice. Solitaire, shadow seer etc.


As an idea: I never saw an Loxatl in any format apart of a few artworks. That would shurely be great! :)

Tony S

I'd love to see some good dark eldar emos AKA Mandrakes