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The Grimdark Poll is here!  All items are taken from the Grimdark Suggestion Box.  It is a combination of new items and popular items from last round that did not win.  Here's the link to all the items in the poll (attached to post as well).

Grimdark Voting is now one Imperium/Chaos and one Xenos poll running simultaneously.  You can find the Xenos poll here.

A couple of things to note:

  • The Khan and Krorks are guaranteed next month.  Therefore I will only take one or two suggestions at most from each poll.  But if the results are close enough and have enough interest, I may queue them into the Fantasy, Sci Fi Alternative lineup if I think there's enough overlap in that month's theme.
  • There was one new suggestion for a Lost Primarch (basically make up your own).  That can pretty much go any way but I've included all the images suggested.  If it wins, I'd choose one of the styles in the list.  
  • If a Primarch wins, he will be delayed at least a month.  There is no way I can do two Primarchs properly in one month.
  • Only suggestions with proper names are added to the polls.
  • I'm grouping suggestions that are very similar visually into one poll item (i.e. Eldar Farseer Bonesinger Type Character)
  • The next set of Sci Fi WIPs will be up in the next couple of days.

Each poll will be open until August 30th, 6:00pm EDT.



Ciaphas Cain

WOW! You just couldn't make it easy... Primarchs, daemon Primarchs, the best commissar characters in the fluff... Jeez man!


If Lost Primarch wins, you making those 19 characters?


Come ob guys we Finnaly need argel Tal and Kharn

Inquisitor Drake

Gaunt and the Ghosts! Would love to see your take on what Gaunt would look like as Lord Executor.


HOW IS VALDOR NOT WINNING THIS BY A LANDSLIDE?! OR BEQUIN!? Goodness, those would be some sweet ass models to get. Maybe a Penitent spoiler Valdor?! Goodness. Anyways. I have high hopes


don't understand it either...after his dread everyone should go crazy about valdor but no, lets have the 10th fulgrim and an african primarch lol


I figured everybody would be going for the big leaders, saving themselves from paying hundreds for the leaders of their legions. It seems like a wasted opportunity.


I have been tossing in my vote for Ibram gaunt and some ghosts for a while now. Honestly, Gaunt and the ghosts was one of the biggest influences on me getting into the books/lore of wh40k. Granted I absolutely love your primarchs but I still keep hoping one of these times gaunt edges out the rest.


fulgrim vs Tyberos the Red Wake and Terminator Variantions


I would love to see your take on Ibram and the ghosts! Currently chewing through book 11!

Will Nexii

the idea of one of the lost primarchs being sculpted isn't appealing no matter what artistic styles are submitted. You don't put those guys into anything, they're gone and without that 'unknown mystery' status of those they're entirely trite and just another primarch. The point of the lost primarchs is that nothing is known and nothing will ever be known. They're the mystery without a solution. Trying to solve this kind of mystery isn't a good idea and i'm not into it.




With respect i think You're taking it way too seriously my original thinking when i made the "Lost Primarchs" suggestion was literally just, "hmmm i have an Irish homebrew chapter, doesnt really fit with the other Primarchs though, be cool if could make a custom Primarch, bet other people with homebrews would be into that too" nobody is suggesting the results of this poll should suddenly become 40K cannon, or that the Lost Primarchs should return to cannon at all, its just an extension of The Lost Primarchs original real world purpose, they exist so that we can have homebrews, now that we have Primarchs on the tabletop i see no reason for people to not go wild making their own even generally speaking, poll and Patreon aside. and Fulgrim won anyway.