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The latest Fantasy Poll is here!  All items are taken from the Fantasy Suggestion Box.  It is a combination of new items and popular items from last round that did not win.  Here's the link to all the items in the poll (attached to post as well).

A couple of things note:

  • Only suggestions with proper names are considered.  Some suggestions, I've moved to the Sci Fi Alternate Suggestion Box.
  • Based on previous polls, there are other items I've guaranteed for next month already (Konrad Curze, Sylvaneth Treelords).
  • I'll probably only choose 1 or 2 from this poll to add for July.  However if there is enough interest in certain poll items, I'll add them to the queue for a future Fantasy month.
  • Next set of Grimdark updates coming up in a bit.



Hoping Death Dealer gets the win, it'd be cool to see it in your art style!


I can't scream Chandra loud enough! She's my favorite character in MTG!


Fingers crossed for beasts of chaos!


Same. I really want the Chandra Dressed to kill showcase art, it’s one of my favorites!

Ciaphas Cain

Lord Soth for the win!


Bain Bloodhoof and glotkin would be sick

Johnny Turbo

I've read a ton of G&F books, i'd love to see them with their signature weapons. I would for sure love a big print of those two.


One day we'll get the Draenei.

Alex W

Tbh I want some Myr, but I know nobody's gonna vote for em so let's go Avacyn!


Come on people give Priscilla a chance! That girl deserves a good model.


Pity the Sypha in the picture isn't from the Animated Series


Draenei please, i have restart wow with it


I would love to see a good Malus Darkblade.


I'd love to see a Vergil variant with him sitting in a plastic deck chair, but looks like there's not much interest.

M. Zottmann

This is so frustrating... The votes go almost always to characters that already have miniatures. :(

Johnny Turbo

You are not wrong, I'm very glad 3DAG doesn't go on mob rule anymore or we'd have yet another NieR or Elden Ring or whatever the flavor of the month is.


Death Dealer should be an auto-include, Frank Frazetta and his art are legendary and more significant than any others listed by far. It's like comparing a child drawing to a Rembrandt. Voting needs to start being limited to 1 item only.

Clayton Hamp

It would be so awesome to see The Lady from Black company books!!! An amazing display piece Hopefully on day.


Someday my beloved Myr will come home to me...


Chaos Beasts !