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New updates are here and this is the first WIP ever post for the Adeptus Custodes!  So I actually thought the first Custodes to win a poll would be a named character like Constantin Valdor or Valerian.  In fact, I hoped Valerian would win first because he provides the best insight into the Custodes in general.  But I'll try to explain what the faction is all about and why I insist on calling them pure golden cheese.

So Custodes lore is actually relatively new.  For decades, the writers basically ignored them until the Horus Heresy series kicked off and they played a more central role in affairs.  But in a nutshell, the Custodes are the personal guardians of Big E and are a breed apart.  Unlike the Space Marines, they were 100% crafted by the Emperor without any outside influence and each one is a uniquely crafted genetic work of art.  In many ways they are even closer to the Emperor than the Primarchs and Big E flat out said He values the Custodes more than others, probably the most unambiguous statement He's ever made. Their creation is completely different from Space Marines as well, requiring younger recruits and uses a mysterious sort of genetic alchemy rather than organ implantation (kind of sounds like how Witchers are made).

It is a very costly process but the end result is definitely worth it.  An individual Cusodes is superior to a Space Marine in every way.  Not even the Thunder Warriors or the Primaris Marines can hold a candle to them.  They are simply the best of the best in the setting in terms of martial prowess and the wargear that they use.  If Custodes take the field in any Imperial engagement, it's automatically declared a victory regardless of the outcome. 😄 The general rule for Custodes is if the Space Marines have a shiny toy, you can bet that the Custodes have a superior version of it and the Contemptor Dreadnought is no exception.

They also have some pretty interesting rituals.  One of them is engraving new names into their armour after achieving noteworthy feats.  Constantin Valdor, their Captain-General had 932 before the Horus Heresy.  The Custodes also engage in something called the Blood Games, which was taught to them by Alpharius.  Basically Custodes will pretend to be an assassin and try to breach the Imperial Palace to assassinate Big E.  Obviously they would never actually hurt Big E, but the degree of success let's the Custodes know where there are weaknesses in the Imperial Palace.

This superiority translates onto the tabletop as well.  As a faction, they have the most overpowered units period.  Their basic infantry is a match for commanders in other factions and their top tier units are not too far off from having Primarch levels of cheese.  This is offset by being able to field the least number of units in a match.  But come on, who doesn't want to have the fanciest toys in the setting? 🤩

So yes, they are 100% cheese, every single unit.  But like the Necrons, this is the kind of cheese I can get behind.  Custodes are very cool visually, they have the best toys and their lore is very interesting.  Definitely one of the coolest additions into the setting!

But while their lore portrays the Custodes as being the 'best of the best', their performance in the books has actually been wildly uneven.  A lot of it has ranged from being meh to downright embarrassing.  I'm just going to pretend that the Harlequin scene from the Beast Arises series doesn't exist. 🤦‍♂️The only book which I think really does the Custodes justice is Watchers of the Throne: The Emperor's Legion.  It shows how good the Custodes actually are, has excellent characters/narrators and the story does a great job explaining the current state of the 41st Millenium.

Anyways, I pretty much stuck to how the Contemptor-Galatus Dreadnought looks.  Contemptor-Galatus Dreadnoughts look awesome so I don't think anything really needs to be changed.  It comes with a Galatus Warblade which has a built in Incinerator for tarpits.  Oh yeah! 🔥 And of course that sweet sweet Praesidium Shield.  Custodes Shields look so badass! 👍

Onto the Wraithlord!  This construct is the Eldar equivalent of a Dreadnought.  Although instead of being half dead, the Wraithlord pilot is completely dead, animated with an Eldar Spirit Stone (but they still have a bunch of other gems).  Like the Phantom Titan, these giant constructs are more graceful than their enemy counterparts.

The Wraithlord is a flexible unit that can come with equipped with different weapons like and Shuriken Cannons or Bright Lances.  For melee they can switch between power fists or power swords.  I'll try and give some weapon and head variations.

When I think of Wraithlords, I usually think of Craftworld Iyanden.  As the setting's chosen punching bag in a race that's already a punching bag, they field the largest number of constructs which includes Wraithlords, Wraithknights and Wraithguard.  I see the Space Wolf naming department has been hard at work. 😄 This is the exception to the rule however.  The Eldar are generally very reluctant to field Wraithlords, preferring to let their dead stay in the Craftworld's Infinity Circuit.  This video does a pretty good job explaining their situation.  Come to think about it, he's also done a pretty good video about Custodes too.  Go check that out if you like Cheese Fondue.

Okay, next up are poses!  The Fantasy poll will also be up next week.  Please have your suggestions in before then.  I usually don't reveal what the bonus 1 year reward item is until the end of the month but I'll drop a little hint.  The new edition is about to drop and you know who is back.  So I'm going to do something that should make the Dark Angel fans happy.  Stay tuned!




Will achilus arms be available or galatus only?

Johnny Turbo

These are amazing. 3DAG has always excelled at mecha. I'm just really hoping there's an Achillus variant. The best and worst part is that I have real FW versions of both and will most likely replace them with these.


The Wraithlord looks great and really has me hoping for a WraithSeer load out!!!


holy shit i want you to make like all custodes *-*


Any plans on a spear so that Galatus can be turned into an Achillus? https://c.tenor.com/vetiwV2K1w8AAAAC/tenor.gif


Regarding your comment about making Valdor... Yes please! The current Valdor is a mess imo. So many seemingly random details to pick out for painting. I love detailed models but for a guy who leads the clean golden boys, he's a bloody mess and needs a makeover.


mas I wish you could make contemptor dreadnought for ultramarines! this one looks amazing!

Johnny Turbo

He looks like he's from an 80's big hair rock video. He's extremely fabulous, it's kind of odd.

Grey Paladin

The dreadnought looks great. Please make it posable so that we can customize how it looks.


Hi, my general rule is I will get concepts from the polls done first. Once complete I'll see if there is time to do the extra stuff. But I will definitely try. If it can't be fitted in this month, I'll include in a future month. I did this with Pre Heresy Mortarion as well.


Thanks! 👍 Yeah, I'll see what I can do. I'll get the essentials done first!


Thanks! Essentials for each character first and I'll see what I can fit in after. 👍


Hi, I'll do the essentials for each character first and I'll see what I can fit in after. 👍


Hi, I might pull an Artist's Choice for him in the future. Constantin Valdor is one of those characters that always polls high but never quite makes the final list of winners.


Thanks! I'll do the essentials for each character first and I'll see what I can fit in after. 👍


Thanks! I'll do the essentials for each character first and I'll see what I can fit in after. 👍


Mouth open...pointing at my screen.

toni case

Love the Eldar


Any chance you'll do a Valdor in the near future? I've been dying for one, personally. I simply refuse to pay Forgeworld their premium for a sub-par model.


Answered my own question in another comment! I'll leave it here for support for my boy, though. Valdor is my favorite.0


Custodes arms seem a bit long for my taste


Hi, I'll take a look and see if they need to be adjusted in the final version.