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The next set of characters are ready to debut!  

So I'm pretty sure many community members have played or is at least familiar with Starcraft's original storyline.  As I mentioned in my original Kerrigan post, she was a Ghost operative for Arcturus Mengsk.  But in a seriously dick move, Mengsk decided to abandon Kerrigan to the Zerg as a lost cause in one of the Terran missions (I'm still pretty pissed about that after all these years).  Well one campaign later and Sarah is reborn as the Queen of Blades.  And oh boy does she go on a serious rampage.  It will take too long to describe all the massacres and plot points and betrayals but let's just say she racks up a very impressive body count (poor Fenix 😢).  

Anyways, several Human and Protoss genocides later, Kerrigan finally gets her revenge on the man who stabbed her in the back, tearing down his kingdom in the process.  Yeah, don't get on Infested Kerrigan's bad side.  She is one scary lady. 😅

Visually, I pretty much stuck exactly to her trademark look.   Love that hair especially as it's both creepy and practical for stabbing people in the face! 👍 Infested Kerrigan also has a lot of cool skin and subtle alien textures that definitely needed to captured to do the Queen of Blades justice.  I kind of want to do scene where she kills Mengsk in very gory fashion but I doubt I'll be able to fit all that in this month.  Instead I'll include the Chrysalis base she was reborn in and do the violent evisceration in some future Sci Fi Month.  

Okay, on the Star Wars side we have the Havoc Trooper from SWTOR.  The Havoc Squad was an elite Republic Special Forces squad of troopers in the army of the Galactic Republic, who fought against the Sith Empire during the Great Galactic War.  

While I never played the game, I do remember watching cinematic where one of them blows up a Sith Warrior with a thermo detonator.  Hehe, nice. 😈 The armour is really cool as well with some nice weapon options.  I'd even say the Havoc trooper is probably one of the best Star Wars costumes I've ever seen, combing badassery with practicality. 👍 So I'll definitely provide some cool poses for the Havoc Trooper.  

It took me awhile to track down where the green armored trooper is from but he's supposed to be a Wetland assault stormtrooper from Jedi Outcast.  It's been awhile, but I do remember it was a great game back in the day.  I'll try to include the helmet and Golan Arms FC-1 flechette launcher as a trooper variant this month as well.  

And as promised, here is one of the poses for Pre Heresy Mortarion, looking only slightly less gloomy and grimey. 😄 Oh BTW, his ranged weapon is called the Lantern.  Initially, I thought it a plasma pistol but after some more recent digging I realised it's a unique energy weapon that Big E collected during the Great Crusade and later given to Mortarion.  I'll update it's appearance to reflect that in future posts and give Mortarion a melee pose with his scythe.  

Okay, next up are poses!  Grimdark voting will also begin in about a week so please have your suggestions in before then.  Thanks!  



Taylored Printers

Havoc squad is always badass, must've posted the wrong photo lol, I thought it was gonna be the Ancient Sith imperial trooper from the same cinematic XD Looking forward to future poses!

Taylored Printers

Now you know I've gotta start perstering for the SWTOR imperial soldiers to match this soon! 😄


You are the best! pre heresy Mortario is so awesome


Thanks much for Mortarion! He looks fantastic.

Grey Paladin

Nice work as usual. Is it just me or do Mortarion's legs look a tad too long (photo 26)?