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Sci Fi Month has started and it's time to delve back into the world of giant mecha and cyberpunk!  

So as the most arrogant race in 40K, it should come as little surprise that the Eldar got into the dick measuring competition with the perceived inferior races.  But while human and ork titans are bulky and kind of slow, Eldar titans are much more graceful and quite fast for their size.  They come primarily in three types, the quick Revenant Scount Titan that actually has a jump jets, the Phantom Titan and the Warlock Titan piloted by Farseer Soulstones.

Their Pulsars and Distortion Cannons are less about packing huge amounts of firepower but using accurate shots to deliver critical hits to the enemy.  But they also have missile pods mounted with plasma warheads for crowd control.  In terms of defence, Eldar titans use Holo Fields which don't absorb damange but displaces the titan so enemy shots miss entirely.  

Interestingly, Eldar titans are usually piloted by twins or even triplets.  The natural emotional bonds between siblings, the Eldar's latent psychic power and the accumulated experience from the Eldar Soulstones maintained in the wraithbone matrix combine to create a mastery of control few amongst even the Eldar could hope to achieve.  So yeah, very cool giant mecha and an interesting departure from the traditional Walking Cathedrals. 👍  For Space Elf titan, I'll include all their ranged and melee weapons I know about including the Power Glaive.  

Okay, next up is Rebecca from Edgerunners fame.  So I haven't had a chance to get into the series yet but I know she's part of Lucy and David's crew in Night City and that she's the 'Wild Card'.  Yeah, just looking at some of her anime shots I can tell Rebecca's kind of unhinged. 😅 

But she's very loyal to the crew and apparently very lethal so you definitely want her backing you up.  I'm also going to make Daisy II Rebecca's animal companion.  I feel like she would dig Rebecca's kind of crazy and wants to get in on the fun. 😄

Okay, next up are Infested Kerrigan and the Star Wars Troopers.  Stay tuned and live for the swarm!   




Dude, what?! The Rebecca sculpt is ridiculously good - I did not expect to feel like the 3D version was so properly representative of her 2D anime form. Smashing work!! If you do ever watch the series (only 10 episodes), I would love to see what you could do with an Atom Smasher sculpt. The Eldar Titan is savage. Love you so much 3DAG!


Bro! The Titan is waaay cooler than i expected. Damn man, knocked it out of the park on it.


Wow, I never expected an eldar titan could look this good. Jaw dropping.


Damnit! Now I want to play Eldar.


Awesome! I can never remember where to download the new models from xD

Johnny Turbo

Look at all those soul stones. There must be dozens of elfdar souls running that thing.

Barokai Rein

Get in the wraithbone titan, Shin'ra!


Thanks, I'm glad you like my take on them! Yeah, I'll try to check out the series when I get the chance! 👍

Uriah Ronin

Will the Eldar Titan be for May or June?


The details on those Titans is MENTAL


Hi, all the stuff I post as WIP this month will be available in June including the Eldar Titan.


I love the small weapons on the Titan - they help give a sense of scale. However, I think the model would benefit if the chest lost the six pack and was modelled more to look like a smooth shell with spirit stone adornment than chest armour over a humanoid physique. At the moment it looks too much like an Aspect Warrior than a wraithbone construct.


Fuck yeah! This titan is why i signed up months ago, a dream come true. Please consider adding magnetising holes and interior of cockpit, if you can. Even cooler if opening the cockpit like a canopy would be possible. This is so good i am truly like a little kid looking forward to Christmas!


I prefer the organic form, but maybe he can offer different torsos and heads?


Thanks, I'm glad you like it! 👍 I can't promise anything definitive right now but the cockpit idea is pretty cool. I'll see how things go.


Thanks! 👍 I'll look into it but I can't promise anything definitive. It depends a lot on how much I can realistically do.

Richard Lalonde

Rebecca's leg tattoo should read PK DICK, in reference to Phillip K Dick, the writer, and huge influence on the cyberpunk genre. Looking through images, seems a lot of fan art doesn't get it right, but there are image of it out there. Do a search for "Attention to detail Rebecca's tattoo design" for clear visual of her PK Dick, Shadowrun, and Mox tattoos.


Oh interesting, I didn't know that piece of trivia. Yeah, I'll definitely update the tattoo then. Thanks for the information! 👍


Jeebus. Sweet Jeebus. It hurts. The glory of it hurts my eyes!


One of these days, man... I'm going to mash up that little rabbit of yours with some sort of draconic or demonic wings, print him at a HUGE scale, and proxy him as a BloodThirster. One of these days...