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Pose updates are coming in hot!  

Starting off, we have the twin Primarchs shredding anything they come across with their ranged and melee poses.  Try and guess who is using what. 😉 So the Pale Spear is Alpharius/Omegon's trademark double-bladed spear which is also known as the Sarrisanata.  It is said to flicker out of phase with the material universe when wielded, emitting an eerie and otherworldly howling, and was able to pierce any physical defence it encountered without impediment, ripping it apart at a molecular level.  

This is trademark property of Necron phase weapons which is why it's rumored that Omegon nicked the spear from their stash.  All Necron tech is just ridiculously advanced so its no wonder Tech Priests are always trying to grave rob their Tomb Worlds.  Obviously only one Primarch can wield the Pale Spear so the other has to settle for a relic power sword.  

For ranged weapons, Alpharius traditionally uses a master crafter plasma blaster but I'll include a stalker pattern bolter as well.  Of course I will give options for the two Primarchs to change their loadouts.  

Next up we have Horus Aximand's charging into battle against Loken.  For this duel, I have two scenarios I want to show: one where the two are fighting each other. The other is how the duel concludes.  That one I will show later this month and trust me, it will be a sight to behold. 😲 I changed up Loken's loadout slightly as well.  He was dual wielding a Chainsword and a Ultramarines Force Sword that he got from his buddy Tylos Rubio.  

So for the Nightbringer, I decided to include the Tesseract Vault to reflect its current status as Grimdark Pokémon.  Lorewise, Tesseract Vaults are vast, monolithic, and near-indestructible prisons specifically made to contain C'tan shards like the Nightbringer.  C'tan shards bends reality and tears metal off the vault in its bid for freedom, the Canoptek automatons rebuild its prison using the debris in a cyclical process of destruction and reconstruction.  The Tesseract Vault's hull itself contains layers of node matrices that redirect a portion of the Transcendent C'tan's energies into the cage that holds it captive, but the C'tan can still pull boss fight moves like age foes to dust, set acres ablaze, or trigger seismic shifts in the planetary crust with a gesture.  

Normally, I'd make a snide comment about unit cheese at this point.  But you know what?  I actually like Necron cheese.  There are few things more satisfying in DOW than watching a Necron Monolith solo entire armies especially when the T'au are on the receiving end. 😄 

Anyways, I'm still working on its interior.  I'll show it unfurled with the Nightbringer once I got it done.  I'm also working on some diorama sets for Alpharius Omegon and the Loken/Aximand duel.  Will show them when they're more fleshed out.  Stay tuned!  




Man I want Jaghatai on bike so bad now...

Raymond Grant

Yep, My Alpha Legion definitely found it's leader/s. Looking forward to Loken/Horus dioramas too!

Studio Silvernale

You can never field too many Alpharius minis

Erik Johnson

wow. these weren't my first picks, but good lord did they turn out awesome!

Christopher Fry

That is going to be a NEW Necron super weapon of my own devising. It looks AWESOME!

Grey Paladin

Very nice Alpharius / Omegon! Can you include a Pale Spear that thicker? If the model is printed at 50mm, the spear is going to be very thin, and thus, will easily break. Also, think the spear will look better if made slightly longer.


Thanks! 👍 Sure, I'll make a thicker version with a longer spear tip.


I remain in awe of you, my dude. Never one to disappoint. Can't wait to see it all! Thanks for your hard work on all these, man, we appreciate you.

War Mammoth

Based on this stellar 3d art, may we get some !ron Warr!ors heroes in the future please per the FortyK poll, such as H0ns0u, Grende1, etc.

War Mammoth

Time do to an @lpha legion army based on your leader rendition! :)


Thanks! 👍 I remember Warsmith Honsou, he was a real piece of work. 😅 I think Warsmith Dantioch would be a great choice as well! 👍