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The vote results are in and it's the Warmaster Titan crushing all the competition!  Wow, once again the results surprise me.  I honestly didn't expect it to be that popular.  But then again, who doesn't want a walking cathedral? 😄

So on the Xenos Poll, it looks like the T'au have finally won one after several attempts!  While I'm not the biggest fan of the faction (I'll explain that later), I will admit the T'au have some of the sweetest looking Gundams in the setting so I'm pretty excited to finally do something like that.  

I'm going to include the Garviel vs Horus Aximand diorama in the queue next month.  Garviel Loken is one of my favourite characters from the Horus Heresy and one of the best things to come out from the series in my opinion.  Plus the Siege of Terra is nearing it's epic conclusion so it will be a crying shame if he didn't get some recognition before the end.  If I can't get the entire duel done, I'll definitely try to get Loken included next month.

As mentioned before, Yvraine is included next month and I will continue my very slow progress on the Big E vs Khorne diorama.  Yes, I haven't forgotten about it and I've been squeezing in as much as I can on the side every month to finish that epic battle.  

Okay, here's the breakdown for next month's release

Tier 3

  • Ghost in the Shell Mokoto Walking (parts version)
  • Ghost in the Shell Mokoto Standing (parts version)
  • Jim Raynor (parts version)
  • Jim Raynor (single version)
  • Xenomorph Standard (single version)
  • Xenomorph Queen (parts version)
  • Xenomorph Diorama
  • Darth Vader armored (single version)
  • Darth Vader unarmored (parts and single version)
  • Obi-Wan Kenobi (parts and single version)

Tier 2

  • Ghost in the Shell Mokoto Walking (parts version)
  • Ghost in the Shell Mokoto Standing (parts version)
  • Jim Raynor (single version)
  • Xenomorph Standard (single version)
  • Darth Vader armored (single version)

Thanks to every who voted and congratulations if you're choice got picked!  Okay, now I got to go call the Inquisition because that pointy eared Xenos has been hanging around the giant blueberry for way too long.  Start sweating smurfs! 😄



Colonel Overkill

Im currently printing a warhound maniple so looks like I will have another to add to the collection!


what scale would the warmaster be in


Hi, I'll try and make it similar to the actual Warmaster Titan scale.

Colonel Overkill

Request for clarification. There is the warmonger and imperator class titans and warlord class titan. I am assuming you are speaking of the warlord class but wanted to check as I honestly doubt a resin printer exists in hobby scale able to print imperator class titan components.


Garviel vs Horus will probably be the highlight of the month, but I'm curious about big robots as well :D


Warmaster exists in lore and adeptus titanicus, no official model for 40k (yet?) Other warmaster designs are out there, about 16kg of resin and 80cm in height in 40k scale.

Simone Spinozzi

❤️ i really love what i see for next month


Hi, I'd make it to the scale to that image that was put into the Grimdark suggestion box. If you know the specific scale of that one, it would help. 👍


Glad to see a Tau battle suit made it. Come to think of it, there are actually quite a few blue aliens out there in the various sci-fi universes. They should all meet up one day. 😁