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Hi everyone,

For the month of July, I am pleased to release a new Grimdark pack. First we have the giant Narcissist.  He is a character so smug, you'll instantly feel the urge to punch him in the face.  I know I do. 😄 He comes in a pose admiring himself (and shooting something that irritated him) as well as a tantrum er, attack pose.  

Next we have the Alien Torch.  This giant monstrosity is tired of being the butt of the joke all the time and has decided to get even by melting everybody's plot armour.  He and the narcissist come with a diorama to duke it out!    

We also have the Angry Warrior.  She just realized her car insurance went up this year and might have had a teensy overreaction.  But she did collect some interesting ornaments along the way. 👍 

We also have the Diseased Warrior who comes with some interesting skin problems.  She's really just misunderstood and wants to give everyone a big hug!  The Diseased Warrior comes with a slime gun that spews projectile vomit.  

Last but not least we have the Sleepy Warrior.  She's coming off a wild drinking binge and is a little sluggish at the moment but don't underestimate her in battle!   

Here is the complete list of what's available in the July Grimdark Pack:

Tier 3

  • Giant Narcissist Shooting Pose (parts and single version)
  • Giant Narcissist Standing Pose (parts version)
  • Giant Narcissist Attack Pose (parts and single version)
  • Giant Narcissist Diorama (single version)
  • Alien Torch (single version)
  • Angry Warrior (single version)
  • Angry Terrain (single version)
  • Diseased Warrior (single version)
  • Sleepy Warrior (single version)

Tier 2

  • Giant Narcissist Shooting Pose (single version)
  • Alien Torch (single version)
  • Angry Warrior (single version)
  • Angry Warrior Skullpile (single version)
  • Sleepy Warrior (single version)

Joining in Tier 3 gives patrons instant access to the Tier 3 Welcome Pack.  Tier 2 gets a subset of Tier 3 items.  All patrons get a 30-40% discount on items on my MMF storefront!   Each pack is huge and keeps growing every month!  Check the link to see everything in it!

These items will be available in the welcome packs until July 31st.

The slime weapon used by the Diseased Warrior and can be found here. 

This patreon is dedicated to making what the fans want.  Every project is based on community suggestions and voting.  It covers all genres from Fantasy, SciFi Alternative and Grimdark.  In July, I will be creating characters styled after a half vampire, a wizard, a fire dragon queen and a gothic bounty hunter.




Omg that angry warrior is perfect. I have to get it printed right away


The narcissist is glorious!


Narcissist admiring himself is amazing!

Erik Johnson

“Sleepy warrior” LOL. I thought she was saying “await a sec guys, I got something in my eye”


The angry warrior could stand in for an elven avatar right?


Uhm, is the diseased sister trying to consume a body or is she pushing one out? That was… disturbing. Great work.


Thanks! 👍 It's the first one but she might spit some of him out later. 😄


The work this month is amazing! Is there a standing pose available for the Narcissist? I didn't see it in the zip file


Thanks, glad you like them! 👍 The standing pose has been added to the appropriate locations now.