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More updates are here!  So this month, I decided to include the ghost version of Sarah Kerrigan because it was easy to alter Nova and I'm more familiar with her character.  All Starcraft players know her, she was a Ghost operative for Arcturus Mengsk before being betrayed by him in the original Starcraft.  Then she became the Zerg Queen of Blades and went on to do some pretty horrific things (RIP Fenix).  I really liked her arc in the original game as it was a great tragedy story.

However in Starcraft 2, her arc was kind of all over the place in my opinion, literally changing species 3 times in the game.  I did like the resolution where Kerrigan finally killed Arcturus Mengsk, that was pretty satisfying.  Though I'm not sure what to make of her ending (turning into a Cthullu like entity was definitely not how I imagined her story finishing).  I guess she got her happy ending with Raynor but that scene was fairly trippy so who knows.  Anyways, human ghost Kerrigan is my favourite version of her character.  I based her appearance mostly from that photo Raynor kept of her on the wall (d'aww).

Onto the long delayed character!  Seras Victoria is one of the main protagonists from the Hellsing anime. Seras was turned into a vampire by Alucard (how many versions of him are there now?) to save her from a would-be fatal gunshot wound in the chest (also killing the vampire priest who held her hostage).  After her transformation, Seras became a member of the Hellsing organization, tasked with defending England's shores from any and all supernatural, extraterrestrial and satanic threats. I don't know much about her or the anime but she does have some pretty iconic images, like where she dual wields those huge Harkonnen II cannons.  She looks cool as hell (no pun intended) firing them!

Okay, onto the poses!  Will post them once they're fleshed out.  This month, I'm also doing a cross promotion with another patreon and that will be posted in a couple of days.  Lastly, Grimdark voting will start in a week so please put your suggestions in before then.  Thanks!




Looking good, as always tons of detail. But Seras' face is falling in that creepy uncanny valley. After looking at reference photos when ever she grinned like that she had cartoonishly shark like teeth and a much sharper jaw. Kerrigan looks unamused like great I'm here with this pyscho...

Taylored Printers

Looks good, hopefully you give seras the proper proportions and jawline. Her tits are not big enough, and I don't think she had a thigh gap with how thick her thighs were.


Maybe you could do two heads for Seras: one in the anime aesthetic and another with a more real-world depiction.


Sera's face is a bit unsettling. Uncanny valley type. Kerrigan is coming along great. Can't wait to see the finished product. Will there be heads with her mask down?

Barokai Rein

"Give that bitch a cannon! Bitches love cannons!"


You should have her shooting from of blow out wall. Have Victoria laying in a pile of empty shell casings. Just some thoughts


Are you going to add an infested hair version of Kerrigan?


Personally I would prefer Victoria to go realistic instead of manga like.

Simone Spinozzi

yeah i agree with Arishat here. anyway, good luck.


Thanks! 👍 Yeah, I'll improve as I go along. She does have some creepy expressions from some screenshots I've seen. I'll see what works best.


I'll check Sera's references again. I'll see how many head variations for Nova/Kerrigan I can fit in.

Taylored Printers

Not trying to be critical, but I'm a major Hellsing Whore, and am so excited to see you make her.


Yeah, I did have an idea for spent shell casings for Sera's base. 👍


Hi, not sure yet. We'll see how much time I have for head variations.


Hi, I'll see if there's time for head variations for Sera. No promises right now.


Thanks! 👍 I've actually seen one good semi realistic version of Seras so it might be doable.

Simone Spinozzi

i mean... all you need to do is google cosplays of her <h1>😂👍💖💯</h1>


A decent amount of community members seem to like that option so I'll try my best to accommodate. 👍


Thanks for Kerrigan, hope to see Seras firing like in the manga ^.^