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The first Sci Fi WIP this month is here!  So having dug through a bit of the Witchblade lore, I've discovered the title actually refers to the gauntlet she's wearing.  I thought it was alien tech but the gauntlet is actually a conscious, intelligent, and ancient weapon with supernatural origins. It is also one of 13 mystical artifacts which guide the fate of the universe.

The Witchblade has been worn by many characters throughout history but since the suggestion was for Sara Pezzini, I went with her character design.  This gauntlet acts like the Venom symbiote on steroids, giving the host adaptive armor, shapeshifting, super strength...basically anything it wants.  It's also pretty picky like Thor's hammer.  The Witchblade will only choose hosts they deem worthy and the host has to be female (I read the explanation but it didn't make sense to me).

I can't say much about Sara as a character but I do remember seeing a comic book cover with her and Lara Croft.  I wonder if that was any good.  Also, I've rarely seen a costume design that has vacillated between such extremes.  It's like the different artists couldn't decide what to settle on over the years.  

While it doesn't take a genius to see why classic Witchblade catapulted to the top spot, I actually really like her fully armored version.  I can see that armored suit worn by a boss character or some sort of special reward in a superhero game.  I also like those comic strips where Sara's hair is billowing in the wind so I included that head version.  And just to be clear, she'll get the option to mix and match her head variations with the suit variations.  

Okay, onto Nova.  Haha, I remember her for completely derailing Raynor and Kerrigan's reunion in Starcraft 2's second campaign.  Also, she was supposed to be in a third person shooter that never materialized for some reason.  I kind of resent her for the first thing though.  It makes me wonder what the point of the first campaign was if Kerrigan was going to relapse so quickly.

Now that I think about it, Nova indirectly kills her boss Arcturus Mengsk through her meddling.  If she hadn't captured Raynor, Kerrigan probably wouldn't have gone on that rampage but then again she was just following orders.  Whatever, female ghosts look cool and she's definitely the poster lady for them.

Next up is Seras Victoria and my take on the original Sarah Kerrigan.  Stay tuned!



Uriah Ronin

I love both. However the right does look better imho.


Thanks! 👍 She'll get the option to mix and match her head variations with the suit variations.

Tim Thornhill

Once again I love your sculpting work! They are delightful representations of the physical form and as always your texture work is a thrill to behold and I am glad we get the alternate dynamics of both hair styles for Sara and Witchblade. I don't know Nova and I guess you are working from her original design and I mean no disrespect in this comment, but I don't particularly like the way her space suit makes her breasts look kind of like sad sock puppets. I am still loving your work and can't wait to see how you pose these characters in your final sculpt

Dale Colton

Love the armored version!


not answering as this is click bait as you know we love both


excellent as always


You make it impossible to even think about unsubscribing

Dale Colton

Initially I was bummed she won because I have more half nude female sculpts than I could ever or would ever want to print. They tend to win a lot in polls it turns out. But but the option here is fantastic. I really appreciate the options you give and the effort you put into your craftsmanship. This may be the best bang for buck Patreon I support.

Simone Spinozzi

to be honest i spent the last 5 minutes flipping between pictures when i noticed that you did small changes between one pic and the next even though the main change should have been just the addition of the suit. In any case, great job! 🥰👍💖💯


Mystical ancient artifacts that control the universe? Sounds like alien tech to me. :) (Any technology sufficiently advanced will be indistinguishable from magic, right?)


not seeing this in my downloads section, this was supposed to be a may release right?