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Hi everyone,

I'd like to show a preview for this month's Fantasy Month characters I'm working on!

First we have the lady lost in fantasy land.  She has a pet rabbit to keep her company while going on psychedelic adventures.  She also likes to have tea parties, possibly while being high as a kite.  

Next we have the Demon Lord.  Through dastardly schemes, she has brought angels low and spread much misery across humanity.  Now the Demon Lord has taken on the nefarious task of making her uncle relevant again.  

Created from a previous release, we also have the Rage God posed stretching his legs.  After years of doing nothing, the Rage God is up and about because the incompetence of a certain 'leader' can no longer be tolerated.  Now his rage is untethered and it knows no bounds!  

These are a few of the items that will be available to patrons starting in May.  I am also working on an unparalleled swordsmaster who happens to be afflicted with a terrible disease.  

This patreon is dedicated to making what the fans want.  Every project is based on community suggestions and voting.  It covers all genres from Fantasy, SciFi Alternative and Grimdark.




Amazing work as always! Can't wait to print the final results


Dude thats awesome work

Phil Gee

I'm very new here and there's obviously some lore behind the demons, but as I look fresh at the Demon Lord, I love the texture of her horns, and I get a sort of "queenofblades" vibe. Wondering if instead of her demonwings we could get an alt part for each shoulder mount that's entirely skeletal blade wings. Maybe a curled/poised spiderleg like blade limbs array? I can almost see it


Nice! I was going to see if I could create a small panorama for Alice, but looks like you already have me covered. :D



TwoHeavens. Esq

I still think Alice needs a shotgun, but the posing for her is top notch. Killer work this month as always hoss.


I want the bunny in the hat


This is awesome

Nico Ossirion

Any chance to see some Japanese models in the next few months? Samurai, ronin..with your skills they would be wonderful


When does the file drop ?