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The next Sci Fi Alternative Poll is here!  All items are taken from the Sci Fi Alternative Suggestion Box.  It is a combination of new items and popular items from last round that did not win.  Here's the link to all the items in the poll (attached to post as well).

I will choose the top n for next month's project, n to be determined by how complicated the top items are.

  • Seras Victorias Hellsing is automatically included this month (February was a short month so she was delayed).  Therefore, I'll take fewer top items from this poll.
  • Only suggestion with proper names are considered for the poll.  
  • Please add any 30K/40K related suggestions to the Grimdark suggestion box including TTS suggestions.

The poll will be open until April 29th, 10:00am EDT.  Enjoy!

Next Fantasy WIP will be up in a bit!


Scott Woods

Witchblade looks like a shoe-in, but hoping Raynor and Nova both make it - a diaroma with both of them would be awesome.

Johnny Turbo

Maybe a month or 2 a year that doesn't have video games. Then we could get a nice mix of stuff.


Choices, choices always choices :)


No ships again. :(


Appleseed?! : D


I see the "Cygnus Base Star" is actually the Alien Refinery ship that the Nostromo is docked to before they blow it up!

Joe Beddoe

HOLY SHIT, WITCHBLADE!!! Yes, please oh please oh please


I will always vote for anything Harlock i have his Hot Toys figure with the throne.


I know this is a poll list to decide. In my opinion and droolability I would say yes please to all of them. No hurry, next upload would be fine :) With your skills this list would be a modellers dream.


I still hope to add Gundam Series Zaku and EVA01 to future plans.