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Khorne is here to do his best Golden God impression!  Or is it the other way around?  Admittedly, the connection is pretty tenuous but I do think that quote fits Khorne to a tee.  In case anyone is wondering, those spheres in the background are supposed to be planets, added for dramatic effect.  I mean if the birth of Slaanesh can obliterate the Eldar empire, how destructive would an actual Khorne meltdown be?  Do it Khorne, wipe out the T'au for me while you're at it. 😉

For fantasy community members, sorry this spilled into your month but the Big E vs Khorne diorama is taking longer than I imagined.  I kind of need to keep chipping away at this anytime I can.  

To make up it to you, here's Malenia from the highly acclaimed Elden Ring.  Wow, the positive buzz from this game is amazing.  In the past few years, this is the only major title I can think of that has managed to escape the vicious cycle of ridiculous over hype and inevitable letdown.  Besides, any AAA game that can kick EA's soulless corporate BS in the balls is a win in my book. 😄

Anyways, Malenia, Blade of Miquella was born as a twin to Miquella, both of whom suffered afflictions from birth. Malenia was cursed with the Scarlet Rot, which festered from within.  After the Shattering, she and her half-brother Radahn would come to blows. Neither sibling would win, but Malenia cursed Radahn with her Scarlet Rot, causing him to lose his wits and wander the lands as a beast.  Malenia is an optional boss in the game which is good for the player because she is known as the most powerful of the Empyreans.

Okay, I know nothing about Elden Ring's lore but I am seriously considering getting this gem after so much overwhelming praise.  For those who have played it, how have your experiences been?  

Characters are done so I'm moving on to the poses!  Will probably show some them as a public preview.  The Sci Fi poll will also be up in about a week.  Please add your suggestions before then.  Thanks!  




I hate to be that guy, but are we gonna get Stage 2 Malenia? Y'know... nekked?


Even I (being a slaanesh-guy) have to admit: this version of Khorne really .. kills it . I LOVE it.


Holy CRAPBALLS, this thing's epic!


I feel like Malenia isn't lithe enough. She's supposed to tower over normal folk. She's a tad too stout


Hi, I wasn't really planning it. The suggestion was for her first form. I did look at her alternate form but I'm having a hard time figuring out what is going on with her wings. Are those...butterfly wings made from butterflies?


Okay, fair enough. I'll take another look at the references and adjust accordingly. 👍


The tongue is really bothering me 😂😂😂. Like always. Great design !!


I didn't even notice the tongue now I can't unsee it thanks 😅


She definitely has butterflies around her, but I don't think her wings are 'made' of butterflies. I think it's just a manifestation of the Scarlet Rot that racks her body. I swear I'm not thirsty for Malenia, I just like the Renaissance proportions of her second phase form.

Simone Spinozzi

i must be honest, i wonder how much time it takes you to do something like this, in any case: it's amazing ❤️

Studio Silvernale

oooh you should make some of the Elden Ring bosses


I completed Elden Ring after 105 hours, and the hype is real. So much to explore, and a true challenge to overcome, this is one of From Software's greatest games, and one of the greatest games I've ever had the pleasure of experiencing. I highly recommend it. I'd also love to see you do more characters from it, particularly General Radahn, Alexander the Warrior Jar, Godrick the Grafted, and Malenia's second form. I think you'd really nail them!


Awesome, glad you had such a great experience! Yeah, if those characters win, I'll definitely do it! 👍