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Hi everyone,

For the month of March, I am pleased to release a new Sci Fi characters pack!  First, we have the tribal warrior.  A superior marksman, she uses advanced compound bows and custom arrows to stalk giant mechanical monsters.  

Next we have an palace guard.  Operating in harsh desert environments, the guard have specialised suits that help recycle their body moisture.  The guard are renowned and feared for their superior fighting abilities, and sheer ruthlessness.

Finally we have a grudge match between a super soldier and a giant mechanical demon.  A demonic invasion killed his pet rabbit which he took very personally.  But that's okay, because he got a new one and they're repaying the favor with interest.

Here is the complete list of what's available:

Tier 3

  • Tribal Warrior Shooting Pose (parts parts and single version)
  • Tribal Warrior Pose Two (Parts parts and single version)
  • Tribal Warrior Bust
  • Destroyed Monster Mech Diorama
  • SuperSoldier Pose One (single version)
  • SuperSoldier Pose Two (single version)
  • Desert Guard Pose One (single version)
  • Desert Guard Pose Two (single version)
  • Demonic Mech (parts version)

Tier 2

  • Tribal Warrior Shooting Pose (single version)
  • Tribal Warrior Pose Two (single version)
  • Tribal Warrior Bust
  • SuperSoldier Pose One (single version)
  • SuperSoldier Pose Two (single version)
  • Desert Guard Pose One (single version)
  • Desert Guard Pose Two (single version)

Joining in Tier 3 gives patrons instant access to the Tier 3 Welcome Pack.  Tier 2 gets a subset of Tier 3 items.  All patrons get a 30-40% discount on items on my MMF storefront! 

These items will be available in the welcome packs until March 31st.

The Big Gun used by the super soldier is free and can be found here

This patreon is dedicated to making what the fans want.  Every project is based on community suggestions and voting.  It covers all genres from Fantasy, SciFi Alternative and Grimdark.  In March, I will be creating characters with similar styles to a space viking, a terminator style ruler and a flying brick.




Tribal Warrior Bust!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeehaa!


The two things I see most in the comments section of this Patreon are praise from the patrons and very quick query responses from the artist 👍😎


New Patreon here! Are all the files always in the Welcoma Pack archive, and will the previous month be removed as the months shift? Will redeem links be sent to MMF or do I need to download them all? Thanks!