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Here we are, the Doom Slayer vs Dark Lord showdown!  This isn't common knowledge, but apparently the Doom Slayer had a pet rabbit.  In classic Doom, the game even said "someone was gonna pay for what happened to Daisy, your pet rabbit".  You know what this means, right?  It means the Doom Slayer was John Wick before John Wick was even a thing.  I mean, his pet was even called Daisy.  Well done, id Software, who knew there were so many layers to your franchise? 🏆

So here you go, Doom Slayer and Daisy II repaying the favour to the Dark Lord with interest.  Never mess with the Doom Slayer, the forces of hell should have learned that by now.  

Okay, here's the final breakdown for the March release.  Sorry, it was a really short month and I couldn't fit in any early access stuff:

Tier 3

  • Aloy Shooting Pose (parts parts and single version)
  • Aloy Pose Two (Parts parts and single version)
  • Aloy Bust
  • Thunderjaw Diorama
  • Doom Slayer Pose One (single version)
  • Doom Slayer Pose Two (single version)
  • Sardaukar Pose One (single version)
  • Sardaukar Pose Two (single version)
  • Dark Lord (parts version)

Tier 2

  • Aloy Shooting Pose (single version)
  • Aloy Pose Two (bust version)
  • Aloy Bust
  • Doom Slayer Pose One (single version)
  • Doom Slayer Pose Two (single version)
  • Sardaukar Pose One (single version)
  • Sardaukar Pose Two (single version)

That's it for sci fi month!  Hope everyone enjoyed what came out of it.  Next month will be an great time for the Rout, Necrons and flying bricks everywhere!  



Scott Woods

Kinda hoping for Isabelle from AC, but the bunny is an acceptable alternative :)


Great mini, maybe Isabelle from AC for next month as a new friend fpr Doomguy?

Ciaphas Cain

He just looks so HAPPY!

Domi Schell

It's great to see someone having fun at work 🤣


If you love your job, you'll never work a day in your life...

Simone Spinozzi

i mean... technically speaking Daisy died in the first doom at the end of episode 3 where you see her head on a spike.... but i guess one can dream. ❤️ (Or he got a new pet, i have not played the last games)

Erik Johnson

hoooooooly shiiiiiit!


Yep, Daisy died and he kept the rabbit's foot. That's Daisy II. 😄


The bunny with the knives is hilarious.


I'm going to increase the size of that bunny to a wholly INAPPROPRIATE size, paint him in red & bronze, and give him to a friend of mine as a Daemon Prince of Khorne!


Is it wierd to ask for the Ruler and your blood god to have the same pose as the dark lord and the super soldier its just seems a fitting dynamic pose for that pair as essentially a lord of "hell" against humanities best hope. Heck they even have the lovely red vs gold(if doom eternal was beaten on a harder difficulty at least) just an idea as all models exist already