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Character poses are here!  For Ciri, I found quite a few poses that worked well for her.  Some are kind of similar to her in game fighting style and some I thought just looked cool.  I'm also working on a secret pose/diorama which I will reveal later this month.

For Drizzt, I have him posed in a very dynamic attack style.  Apart from his drow heritage, Drizzt Do'Urden is famous for being one of the best fighters in Faerûn.  He was trained by his father, Zaknafein who was also the finest Weapon Master of any noble drow house.  Seeing Drizzt flourish as a fighter, Zaknafein knew his son would surpass him one day.  In combat, Drizzt is described as being a whirling dervish of blades.  His scimitars move so fast, the average opponent will be cut into ribbons before they can even register his movements.  

I gave Nagash a command pose so he can direct his undead legions to further conquests.  To demonstrate his complete mastery of the necromantic arts, I am also working on some undead variants Nagash can summon in combat.

Working on Guenhwyvar's pose and other cool stuff I thought of.  Will post when they're more refined.  The sci fi poll will also be posted in the next couple of days so please look out for that.  Thanks!  




Where is the post for the sci fi vote? Can’t see any on the feed.


Hi, the poll isn't up yet. It will be created in the next couple of days.


Are you going to include Guenhwyvar with Drizzt?


So excited for these! Do you know when they will be available to download?

Erik Johnson

wow!! looking great!

Tim Thornhill

Loving your art for this month, yet again! Keep creating these magnificent sculptures, it is a pleasure simply waiting to see what you do next, with the significant added bonus that we all get to have one too!


Thanks! 👍 They'll be publicly released next month. Some items may be ready this month as early access but I don't guarantee that.

The Nosh

Looks great! Would love to see a Nagash pose and size that would potentially be a suitable proxy for the gaming piece !

Ramiro Carrasco Jr.

AWESOMENESS! Please give us several poses of each one.


Thanks! 👍 I have no idea what they scale him at. I just standardise my single character designs at 50mm.

Johnny Turbo

Nagash and Drizzt look great. Some flames or ghostly skulls and stuff coming from the book or around Nagash's feet as he summons souls and or magic would be very cool.


Lol, Ciri really looks like she’s going commando… The metal-painted prints look great though.