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The Undying King is here to impose his own brand of order!  I didn't know that much about Nagash last month so I did a bit of research.  And oh boy, is his resume impressive.  

In Warhammer Fantasy (the old world) Nagash was the first son of King Khetep, ruler of Nehekhara.  Traditionally, the first son is supposed to serve in the Mortuary Cult but Nagash wasn't having any of that and he killed his younger brother Thutep for the crown.  Nagash then got his first taste of Dark Magic from a cabal of shipwrecked dark elves who he further imprisoned and tortured for knowledge.  

Then things get really creepy.  Nagash began experimenting with necromancy, creating the cursed Elixir of Life which granted him lichdom.  He then went on to construct a huge black pyramid to maximize his control over the Winds of Magic and ultimately get complete control over the undead.  And that's just a small snippet of his misdeeds.  One of the more amusing facts I discovered about Nagash is that he indirectly created the vampire race.  Apparently some nobles tried to replicate his elixir creation but botched the attempt and cursed themselves with vampirism along with servitude under Nagash instead.  Haha, not as planned! 😄

I could go on about his villainous exploits but it's safe to say that Nagash was one of the major powers in Warhammer Fantasy and Age of Sigmar currently.  He has obliterated numerous rivals, subjugated others through sheer will, conquered massive swathes of territory and just been a huge problem for the Empire in general.  The magnificent bastard almost killed Sigmar himself so that should give you an idea how badass he is.  

Anyways, every faction fears him and even when defeated, Nagash has a nasty habit of coming back even stronger.  So love him or hate him, you gotta respect Nagash's work ethic.  He is a self made villain, an ordinary human who accumulated all his power through hard work and didn't need the favor of gods or other patrons along the way.  Sure, he gets beat back from time to time, but Nagash always make his opponents pay dearly and as the Lord of Undeath, he will outlast them in the long run.  Apparently he's been causing all sorts of problems for the factions in Age of Sigmar.  Here's hoping he ultimately comes out on top!  

Got a WIP for Guenhwyvar, Drizzt's longest and dearest companion.  Although appearing as a panther, Guenhwyvar is a actually an entity from the astral plane that can be summoned from a panther statuette.  Drizzt first met her during his training at Tier Breche (the drow academy in Menzoberranzan) and has been his friend ever since.  She has been at Drizzt's side through his toughest trials and his greatest victories so there is no way I could exclude her this month.

Alright, the main fantasy lineup this month is complete!  Poses and bonus stuff are up next so stay tuned!




This is my Favorite Skeletor.


Excellent sculpt as always!


He looks amazing!!!!



Ciaphas Cain

Nagash the Lich King! I don't play Fantasy (or AoS) anymore, but I remember him when he was a horrible mini made of pewter. This one will make a fantastic Lich for D&D. Solid work. Guenhwyvar looks smooth. Nice work.

Simone Spinozzi

Never played warhammer fantasy but looks good as usual, and Gwen looks cute too. Great job.

Tim Thornhill

Absolutely love your sculpt of Nagash, he looks truly wicked, can't wait to see him posed. Also loving that you are including Guenhwyvar with Drizzt. As always the details of your work is what makes it excel, be it details of concept or details of sculpt, always excellent!


Looks amazing, but i feel like the hat is too wide at the bottom part. Gives me this derp vibe when i look at his face


He definitely impresses, but I can't help wonder if he needs more flat/plain areas to let the eye rest. There's a huge amount of detail but it is a little on the busy side. I guess it's a tricky one as there's the need to avoid the sculpt looking too much like the plastic one.


Thanks! 👍 I'll check again and make the appropriate adjustments.


Yeah, I can see what you mean. I'll be able to fine tune the nuance in details once his pose is established.


I’m so happy you made a Nagash! Thank you!!