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Here we are, with Khorne finally sitting on the Skull Throne in all his dark majesty!  And to get a sense of Khorne's scale, I've posed him chastising one of his Bloodthirsters.  Maybe that unlucky bugger didn't meet his quota of sacrifices.  Maybe Khorne is punishing him for that embarrassing gaffe on Terra I mentioned.  Or maybe it's just Monday.  But in the grim darkness of the far future, the blood will never stop flowing, the skulls will never stop piling up so Khorne will always reign supreme.  Tremble before the Blood God corpse worshippers and pay your fealty to him instead!  Because one way or another, everyone does. 😉

All jokes aside, it was fun to do something more experimental.  Hopefully, I managed to do Khorne justice.  After some deliberation, I've updated the Skull Throne to make sure I can avoid the angry company.  I've also managed to add one more pose for the Lion using his plasma pistol.  I've never actually read him using one but apparently he has it so there you go.  Here are the final asset list for next month's release:

Tier 3

  • Khorne (parts and single version)
  • Skull Throne (parts and single version)
  • Lion Sword Pose (parts and single version)
  • Lion Shooting Pose (parts version)
  • Lion Command Pose (single version)
  • Lion Victory Pose (single version)
  • Watchers in the Dark (5 poses)

Tier 2

  • Skull Throne (single version)
  • Lion Sword Pose (single version)
  • Lion Command Pose (single version)
  • Watchers in the Dark (5 poses)

So just a reminder, this month was the first half of a two month patreon goal.  In the next grimdark month, I'll have Big E and Khorne slugging it out in a Royal Rumble!  

Fantasy month is next!  Remember to scrounge up some spare change so you can toss it to your Witcher!




This post is what finally got me to subscribe, how do I download this behemoth?


where do we go to download models i cant find stl file downloads anywhere D:


Ok this is nuts - wow

Scott Woods

Looks absolutely amazing!!! So, are these available now or next month? Can't see them in the Tier3 drive.


Thanks! 👍 They will be available in the beginning of January. I want to finalize some details.

Johnny Turbo

So excited. I can't wait, will it be in the first week? I just made a Big E pose one parts @ 140%. I'd make the Lion in the same scale. When they're that big they look really cool.


Thanks! 👍 The assets will be available on the beginning of January.

Grey Paladin

Wow, this looks incredible. Can't wait to see the awesome showdown with Big E.


I can't download it yet, is this a januari thing?


Hi, yes these assets will be available in the beginning of January.




This is amazing, Happy New Year!

Simone Spinozzi

Love this update. Also: "how much resin do i need to print this huge throne?" "yes"