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The votes are in and it's Ciri taking the top spot!  Oh wow, this was one of those polls that turned out to be a massacre. 😄 Looks like there are a lot of Witcher fans in the community! 👍 

Luckily, I'm also a huge fan of the games, Wild Hunt and the expansions especially.  I've got some ideas that I think can work for her character (she does have some unfinished business with a certain crone...)

Nagash comes in a respectable second so I'll include him next month along with the delayed Drizzt.  Lilth has a decent amount of votes but not close enough that I would auto include her.  I'll consider adding Lilith to the April Fantasy month but I won't guarantee it right now.

Thanks to everyone who voted and congratulations if your choice got picked!

There is one more major Khorne and Lion update around the corner.  Stay tuned!



Johnny Turbo

I'm really looking forward to Nagash. I'm also very excited about the LIon. My poor resin budget is the only thing that isn't happy.


Oooooh yes, please ...the Crone would be perfect!


As someone who never got into witcher hype neither liked wither 3 gameplay ill say.... ok. i hope it will pass quickly and we will be able to vote on scifi month :)


Already hyped. I´m new and love your patreon! You make some people happy :D

Erik Johnson

Whoever wins, we all win! I am hoping for Lilith in April though! *crosses fingers*

Johnny Turbo

I have to agree with you on this one. The games were okay. Maybe the book was better.


Im really happy Nagash got in too, but i'm waiting to place Majima in sci fi poll


Just watched the tv show, so now I’m curious to see how your Ciri will turn out.

Simone Spinozzi

still have lots of catching up to do, but good luck! ༼ つ ◕u◕ ༽つ🍀💖