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At long last, Khorne is ready to debut!  It took me awhile to decide his appearance, but I generally stuck by the silhouette from his only official artwork and the rule that he should appear as a towering daemonic warrior infused with raw Chaos matter.  I also wanted to make sure he looked really, really angry because most of the images I've seen of him are not.  Don't get me wrong, they're all excellent pieces of art, top notch quality as befitting the Blood God.  But I've always felt he looked too...nonchalant like someone couch surfing and undergoing a midlife crisis at the same time.  Then again, with Abaddon 'leading' the Black Crusades, I'd probably feel despondent too.

But I think the god of rage should be furious all the time.  Raw aggression should be bleeding out of every pore, like a volcano on the verge of eruption.  And besides, Khorne has a lot to be angry about.  Like Grey Knights plot armour, or the fact that most of his minions need to share a solitary brain cell.  How about the fact that he sent the cream of his forces to solo Terra only to have them crushed by some golden bananas and a giant blueberry.  Yeah, I bet Khorne was apoplectic after that embarrassment.  The other three are probably still mocking him for that and Tzeentch probably broke out the dunce hat.

Still working on the wings and I'll show them once Khorne is posed to sit on his Skull Throne but I did get a chance make his weapon.  Most of his champions and Bloodthirsters use Greataxes but Khorne actually wields a two-handed greatsword.  This fell weapon has been called by various names by different races, including Woebringer, Warmaker, and the End of All Things. It is said that this legendary blade capable of laying waste to the substance of worlds with a single blow. When Khorne takes up its sword, a single sweep can cut through reality itself, allowing his daemonic legions to spill forth into the Materium.  Oh yeah!

Got some more poses for the Lion.  There were a lot of requests for him clutching his sword and holding his helmet so I made that.  I also included a pose from the lore I thought was cool.  After every duel or conquest the Lion will raise his sword to his face and dedicate his victory to the Emperor ("One world.  For you, father.").  He doesn't do this for show either, this is a private ritual to honour the Emperor.  What a guy! 👍

Still got some other stuff lined up like the Lion's diorama and other goodies.  The Fantasy Month poll will be posted soon so look out for that.  Thanks!




Absolutely stunning. Will there be an action pose as well? The ability to print out Khorne sized to stand in as an exalted Bloodthirster is enough to make me want a full khorne army lol


"But I think the god of rage should be furious all the time. Raw aggression should be bleeding out of every pore, like a volcano on the verge of eruption. " - I disagree here. What you describe sounds more like "blind" Rage. He is a god. While his thoughts might be carried by aggressive actions/goals, one needs to be calm to dominate in battle.




Therefore, imho, i would expect some expression of confidence instead of aggression.


I love the design



Bjorn Rega

are we also getting a fighting pose?


Hi, Khorne will be a two month project: https://www.patreon.com/posts/58037427. This month will be his sitting pose on the Skull Throne. In the next grimdark month, I'll give him an action pose fighting Big E.


I respect that point of view and I think there is validity there. For my take, I wish to focus on the wrathful side of Khorne.


Hi, Khorne will be a two month project: https://www.patreon.com/posts/58037427. This month will be his sitting pose on the Skull Throne. In the next grimdark month, I'll give him an action pose fighting Big E.


btw.. when i said "i expected some expression of...", i was talking on how i (would) imagine him, not talking about expectations towards you :)


No worries, I'm sure everyone has their own interpretation of Khorne. There's no wrong answer! 😄👍

Johnny Turbo

I can't wait to print these guys up. Very exciting!


Awesome! Did I miss out on these? Been subbed for a while but dont check this page much. Is there a way to download stuff ive missed?


Thanks! 👍 These designs will be available beginning in January of 2022.

Simone Spinozzi

Catching up on my "crushed under work" disappearance. That said: Yeah, papa smurf gets too much spotlight and he is the least interesting of them all... he is not even hilariously bad just obsessively bad. He is the wrost kind of thing to parody because to parody him you have to play him straight and to play him straight you have to... uh... yeah, show how boring and obsessive he is. And that's only hilarious when the punchline happens, not when you prepare for the punchline. And the punchline itself is... still not that great. Like the (in)famous "6 minutes delay" on the book dedicated to just him. You start laughing when the human tells 2 hulking space marines that have gone and met her precisely for a matter of great importance, and you have followed them on their journey on foot from the primarch down the descent to the planet into the required bureaucracy to meet the human... to tell the human that there is a 6 minute delay on the shipment of interstellar stuff. Shipments which have to go into the warp and therefore could come out 100 years before being shipped or 40 millennia after being shipped. But... you had to follow an entire chapter of about 1 hour of audiobook time and i have no clue how many pages of space marines going through each step to report something that could have been an email or something "hey! what up with this weird delay? Could you check?" And that's when somebody is not accounting for all the steps that are needed to get things done to ship anything. Said punchline gets also compounded by the fact that Guilliman was also right to be worried about this. So... on paper it looks elaborate but i only bring this up because it's the silliest thing i have ever seen. 1 entire chapter wasted for a single punchline which is a setup for the story. One could have jumped to the ending paragraphs of that chapter and ... honestly you would not have lost much. I know it was done on purpose for... that exact reason. To show the kind of idiocy that is considered "normal" in the imperium (but then the fact that people send servitors to relay messages when they have fully functional emails and that Roboute uses freaking astartes as this <strike>servitors</strike> servants to relay messages is the cherry on top of the whole joke. But once one stops admiring the elaborate level of joke that went on... you just read or listened to an entire chapter of boring bureaucracy. For. A. Single. Punchline. Ezekyle, to be fair, does a great job because he gets people killed. Suuure he might get the wrong people killed (that is: his own) but... eh. something something, "the blood must flow". Wait... wasn't that "the spice"? Wrong author? Oh... yeah but still was inspired by. That said... hmmm... yeah you did not say why you feel like you are being "lazy" here. And yes i want to check out the posts you did down the line to see how you will pose them. Pretty sure you will be doing a great job. ❤️ 👍


Thanks! 👍 I meant Khorne always looks lazy in his pictures because he's slouching. 😄