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A WIP for the Skull Throne is here!  So a brief introduction about Khorne first.  The name derives from Chaos' daemonic Dark Tongue for him: Kharneth (Lord of Rage or Lord of Blood).  Khorne has lot of other monikers but is popularly referred to as the Blood God.  It is said that Khorne was fully formed during Terra's European Middle Ages during the early 2nd Millennium.  As an era of wars and conflict raged across the globe, Khorne was brought into being by the collective emotional hate and slaughter humanity perpetuated amongst themselves.  

Being one of the four major Chaos gods, Khorne is usually portrayed as the most powerful due to the overwhelming war and death that saturates the 40K universe (although Tzeentch is said to have more victories and Nurgle can sometimes take the top spot).  He is also the easiest god to worship in the pantheon: just keep killing.  Khorne's temple is the battlefield and the sole sacrament is blood and skulls.  It doesn't even matter if that blood is your enemies or your own.  As the popular saying goes "Khorne cares not from whence the blood flows, only that it flows."

I should point out that Khorne values strength and courage so kills should be from worthy enemies (you can't sacrifice roadkill to him).  He also hates sorcery and trickery despite being a warp entity but that hasn't stopped psykers from workshipping him.  I still find that pretty funny.

As depicted in his art, Khorne sits on a great throne in the Realm of Chaos upon a mountain of skulls in the midst of a plain of splintered bone.  Lakes of mortal blood spill from the crevices, those of his followers slain in battle and those who its minions have killed in its name.  For my take on the Skull Throne, I stuck pretty close to this description with a healthy dose of Chaos corruption.  Because at the end of the day, Khorne (or any Ruinous Power for that matter) is a warp entity, spawned from the seething mass of emotional runoff created by mortals which has become self sustaining.  And the Realm of Chaos itself is never constant, a shifting sea of primordial emotion.  That's why for Khorne and by extension his throne, I think it's important to capture that fusion of solid brass metal and the incorporeal.

Still working out some fine details for Khorne so I'll show him when he's more fleshed out. But here's one of the poses I made for the Lion so far.  I recently came up with a diorama idea for this pose but I'll have to see if there's enough time to fit it in.  Got some other poses worked out as well that should work for the Master of the First.  Stay tuned!





Simone Spinozzi

WOAH! Loving the details there!




Looks astonishing


These are amazing! I'm loving your take on the Skull Throne. That's also a fantastic pose for the Lion. You're killing it man 🤘

Renier Banninga

Ok that is an epic throne of Skulls. I can only imagine what thrones you could make for other chaos gods.


wow this is awsome

Tim Thornhill

The blood throne is exquisite in its grotesque detail, fantastic work! I can not wait until I see the finished piece with the blood god himself upon the throne


Thanks! 👍 Khorne and his throne are pretty ubiquitous. Not sure if the other gods would have such fancy thrones. 😄

Renier Banninga

Slaanesh is all about excess and perfection after all. I imagine they would go crazy with sexy flowing shapes, spikes and so forth. Tzeetch just likes to mess with folks. Nurgle would be all bile, rot and bones. But still pretty snazzy


Yeah, you're probably right. I can definitely see Slaanesh with a wild looking throne! 👍


These both look just great! :D


That’s a nice looking throne.

Johnny Turbo

Skulls for the Skull Throne! Blood for the Blood God!

Johnny Turbo

I case you were wondering on how to hold a Medieval Long sword properly here's a short Video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q1_9ZhpzX-4