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Grimdark month has kicked off and who better to start it than the Red Angel!  Angron is one of those characters that really puts the 'Grimdark' in 30/40K.  Out of all the Primarchs, he had the absolute worst starting point and things never got better.  Captured basically at birth, Angron was forced to become a gladiator in the fighting pits of Nuceria.  There, he and all other gladiators are fitted with a nasty piece of technology called the Butcher's Nails.  These supercharge the fighter's aggression and turn them into killing machines.  But the major downside is that it impairs all higher brain functions (seriously, Angron can barely form a coherent sentence.)  Worse, anyone fitted with the Butcher's Nails must keep on killing otherwise the Nails will just make the recipient feel more pain.  Mix all this with a disastrous reunion with the Emperor and you practically expect Angron to turn traitor at the first opportunity.

I've often been told that Angron is the only Primarch to make his legion worse and it's not hard to see why.  As a melee killing machine, Angron has no equal but he is utterly incapable of leading armies (you know, that thing all Primarchs are designed to do.)  His idea of leading the World Eaters is telling them to 'Kill everything' and 'Kill faster or I kill you.'  And after the legion received their own Butcher's Nails, the World Eaters lost all semblance of restraint and just wiped everything from existence in a mad orgy of bloody violence (This includes worlds that could have been successfully added to the Imperium).  The situation with the World Eaters got so bad that Leman Russ tried to knock some sense into Angron with a lesson in strategy and tactical objectives but it went nowhere.

All this being said, as a traitor Primarch, Angron and the World Eaters are probably one of the most successful.  Over the millennia, they have destroyed entire Imperial systems and caused the most destruction in sheer body count.  So maybe Angron was onto something with his kill everything approach.

Like the Big E, I needed to adjust some elements of his armour for GW reasons but I really wanted to capture his bottomless rage.  His pose will also be equally...violent.  I've been working on Lelith and the female Commissar as well and they will debut shortly.  Stay tuned!




That's ... just ... lovely :3. Do you plan on having the Gorefather and Gorechild available as separate files ?

TwoHeavens. Esq

Angron, the greatest of the Primarchs. In terms of failure any way.


Damn he looks amazing. You do such great work


Fantastic, the detail is astounding.


WOW just WOW! I have no other words...


I appreciate the backstory to these, because I have no idea who these things are.


Jesus lad amazing. Clearly a work of love you have for alot of these characters.


Perturabo in Terminator armour (with a hammer) next!!!!!


was just thinking of him earlier lol hope you make all of them and Tyberos ;) do you think its possible to have some of those elements separately as accessories for us to customize if you made them ? Looks sick either way!!!


Skill is top notch. No criticism there. I think the axes are too busy. He didn't/doesn't care about frilly additions. I feel like his axes would be super basic. Like Gorechild on the original Khârn model. Simple and to the point.


Yeah, I went back and forth with the designs. I'll probably just give the options to have the basic and daemonic versions of the chainaxes. 👍

Simone Spinozzi

The problem with Angron was that he never had a fight in him and he just wanted to help or be left alone. While other primarchs literally punched their way out of the crust of planets or ...i mean... even Lorgar managed to conquer his planet... Angron never wanted all that. He litterally feels the pain of everything around him and just wants peace and quiet. He's portrayed like a monomaniacal assassin because that is what he behaves like. But basically he's your average teenager screaming that he wants to be left alone and thinking he knows better he destroys every planet he goes onto because he really does not like the idea that his father gets them and he has a literal death wish, so much so that every time he is saved he makes sure to "break" whatever saved him. His legion. His librarians. His weapons. Everything, basically. Because all he wants is to die and finally be at a place of peace and quiet. He basically is Corax turned up to 11. Even on the fight with Russ what stops him is... not the prospect of death. He metaphorically "asks" Russ to kill him by insulting every single thing Russ loved. What saves him is... Russ does not do it and stands down. Russ does not feel like he can kill Angron not because he is too powerful, but because by killing him Angron would literally "win". And Russ hated Angron too much at that point to let him have that. Once he is shown that if he dies he would not be at a place of peace and quiet... that is when he truly gets angry... at which point... he decides he is still better off dying of starvation. Which his legion does not allow him to. Anyways. Yeah. You did a good job. Somebody said he should have less elaborate equipment. And that is true, that is what he would go for. Problem is. Nobody would ever give him that satisfaction. 🤣 He truly feels like a punk teenager going "can't you see i am in pain? why are you trying to put frilly dresses and give me frilly weapons when i'm so much better off punching my way inside the crust of a planet until i slowly die melting in the mantle and instead you force me to go up and fight a titan bare handed!" 😂 But yeah. He's a whiny kid. Have fun.


Thanks, glad you like the design! 👍 Yeah, Angron gets a lot of disdain for his actions but he's so mentally stunted and had such a bad start that it's sort of inevitable he'd turn out this way. I do think he's a tragic sort of character that got forced into terrible circumstances. Just a reminder not every Primarch had it as easy as some in their childhood.

Simone Spinozzi

dude... some of the other primarchs literally had to punch their way out of their planet's mantle as babies. Angron got it bad because he was a good person and he cared and (therefore) he was exploited. #40KLogic


Can't wait to see what you'll do to Lleman Russ when his turn comes up! Outstanding work!

Simone Spinozzi

Curze! That's who was. Yeh, he landed near the core swam through lava for most of his childhood until he was about 15, then had to punch through the rockcrete "cork" they put over the hole that he punched through in order to get to where the capsule landed him. Then the welcoming party was a bunch of people shooting him because people were (rightfully) afraid of what was punching through rockcrete and had made a hole there previously and then had to live the rest of his adolescence as a thief in the dark of the city because everybody recognized him, doing his best Spawn impression because he too was goth as f- given that he just had to come through hell and when he dreamt he dreamt of the future of 10K years of war, and occasionally ate human flesh. Then he decided to be a paladin all of a sudden, rallied up the people first the nobles later conquered the hive city then the world and continued to play batman/spawn, waiting for his father to arrive. So Curze could swim through lava and had prescience. What did Angron get? A large quantity of empathy and the power to heal people. Both of which were taken away or largely stunted by having a machine replace most of his brain and give him rewarding chemicals for committing massacres. Sooo... uhm... Angron became the worst because he cared too much and suffered what everybody was suffering and since nobody cared he decided to be the worst he could be. Because in 40K if you care it just means you suffer so much you wish you could just nuke everything and possibly die with it because that way nothing is left to suffer. Except now he knew that if he did that all he'd get was to just make a bunch of even worse pricks get more powerful and make everybody suffer even more. Sooo yeah. At that point why care? Which is basically why Angron is the worst, i guess the only other one with the same mentality that is worse is Magnus, mostly because while Angron forces himself to not care Magnus deludes himself into thinking he can do good. 🤣