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Hi everyone,

I'd like to show a preview for August's Fantasy Month characters!  

First we have a frisky wizard who prefers to study without her stuffy adventuring clothes on.  Because everyone knows roughspun robes chaffes delicate skin. 😄

We also have the Betrayer King, a once noble soul who damned himself through his devotion to duty.  Corrupted by foul forces, he has carved his way back to the top but at a cost of all his closest companions.

Last but not least in the preview is a direwolf stalking his prey!  Alternate versions of this model will also be available.

These are a few of the items that will be available to patrons starting in August.  I am also working on a pseuddragon and an undead knight character.  All these items will have presupported options.

This patreon is dedicated to making what the fans want.  Every project is based on community suggestions and voting.  It covers all genres from Fantasy, SciFi Alternative and Grimdark.




Love the wolf.


Love that wolf model! I've been needing a detailed wolf for awhile now, so glad I can get that soon! Amazing work as usual.


I'm loving these bro! Such good sculpts!! Can't wait to get some printed out!


Arthas is the best of the best!))


Man, the lich king is perfect. If I could make a request it would be make the frostmourne more similar to the original


Is that supposed to be an ink pot? Lol.

Joe Beddoe

Okay I know I say this a lot, but dayum man...you've outdone yourself again with Laurie. I love it so much!!

Simone Spinozzi

the art is stunning as usual... i'm trying to understand the logistics of those stockings since they should not have those toes so well defined but i guess it's just because it's a WIP To be fair the very fact i can see stockings with texture on kind of amazes me The wolf is ... uhm... wolf-y i guess i always point people to this for all their posing needs of actual animals https://x6ud.github.io/ i would have liked more pics of the armor from behind because those details are stunning and i feel like i am missing out stuff <h1>😂👍💖💯</h1> Thanks again for all the art.


Thanks! 👍 Yeah, I'm trying to figure out how to do the stockings at the feet. I think I'll make stockings have holes so the toes stick out. 😄


Tasteful ink pot is tasteful

Simone Spinozzi

Hmmmm.... https://previews.123rf.com/images/vladimirfloyd/vladimirfloyd1702/vladimirfloyd170200294/71274349-pretty-woman-in-nylon-stockings-and-bra-posing-on-white.jpg the image might be seen as inappropriate so i am just leaving the link. As you can see stockings usually form a membrane but leave all the "features" of the digits there, so i suggest just "reducing the dept" of all the parts what are not close to high points in a quadratic manner like a hyperbole, which... translated in "art speak" means... "mask the toes, make a new mesh from the mask, low poly that mesh, sculpt it so it barely covers the toes and blends with the model" <h1>😜👍💖💯</h1>


Nice, but please leave the pages blank. the book looks like the USA flag and the parchment looks really odd with those nonsense lines


Ink? INK!!!! I love it ima make her an eldrich/ deamon possesed librarian.

Andrew Pryor

I might mod that ink pot out. Fantastic sculpt!!

Andrew Pryor

I do agree with the scripts, blank would be nice so that I can do some freehand.

Joe Beddoe

Looking at Laurie again is the presence of the ink pot forcing something...odd...with her right leg? The upper thigh looks like it has a weird bend to it. Or maybe it's just me?


a fallen elf next for his fallen human bud