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The last update of the month is here and it's for the KOTOR fans!  Remember when I mentioned that Revan drove the original Mandalorians into extinction?  Well that culminated with him killing their leader, Mandalore the Ultimate.  The lore says this was done in single combat although it doesn't mention specifics.  However, I like to imagine Revan did it as painfully as possible because Mandalore the Ultimate was a dick.  Also, Mandalorians hate the Force because it's basically a giant cheat button.  And it'd be pretty ironic (and humiliating) if the warlord of a martial obsessed culture was killed by space magic.  Oh yeah, Revan also stole Mandalore's mask.  That's like a Space Marine Chapter losing a company battle standard to the enemy.  That loss of morale is not something you can recover from and was basically the final deathblow for the Mandalorians.  

This other update is something KOTOR fans will recognize.  Without spoiling too much, this guy is the main antagonist of KOTOR.  No matter what choices you make in the game, you will get to kill him as the final boss.  And trust me, you'll be happy to do it by the end of the game.

So here's the final breakdown for the June release:

Tier 3

  • Vampire Hunter D Single
  • Cyberhorse only Single
  • Vampire Hunter D riding Cyberhorse Parts
  • Darth Revan Sword Pose
  • Darth Revan Force Pose
  • Jedi Sword Pose
  • Victim One Pose
  • Victim Two Pose

Tier 2

  • Darth Revan Sword Pose
  • Jedi Sword Pose
  • Vampire Hunter D Single

Some of these are available in the sync links as early access.  The rest and the presupported versions will be available in sync and as MMF reward links next month.  

That's it for the this month's project!  It was fun catching up with one of my favourite games.  If any patrons know of Vampire Hunter D or KOTOR fans, please let them know what coming in June.  

Up next will be the Emperor and the Keeper of Secrets!  I also have plans to do a cross promotion with another patreon for some fantasy items in June.  I will give more details when the arrangements have been solidified so stay tuned!  
