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The Grimdark Poll Results are in!  I gotta say, this is one of the few polls where I'm not surprised by the results.  So it looks like Big E will finally make His entrance on this patreon, yay!  Just a reminder, I'll probably have to tweak the design so I don't get more ominous messages from GW.  It'll be a process.

And as heretical as it is, I will include the Keeper of Secrets next month because...it's a Keeper of Secrets (I mean, come on 😄).  I will also make it look like a Keeper of Secrets, as opposed to whatever GW is trying to pass off as one in the latest edition.

In other news, I've recently added a new stretch goal.  I haven't added one in ages and I thought it be cool to modify my Dark Elf design to a style similar to Lelith Hesperax (this version).  So if there are any Dark Eldar or just Lelith fans in general, please let them know I'm working towards that.

For this month's project I've got one more major update for the KOTOR fans.  I will show that in a couple of days.  A few more early access items will be added to sync before end of May.  The entire set and reward links will be available in June.

Thanks to everybody who voted and congratulations if your choice got picked.  Know someone who fights for the Emperor or worships She Who Thirsts?  Please let them know what's coming!  For the Dark Gods!  I mean, by His will alone!





Iris Baur

"Big E on Golden Throne " (41K) still in! *hope*


A bonus Lelith, excellent!


Yes for Lelith!

Kinslord Mpf

Amazing!!! Lelith Will Rock!!

Benoit Griette

oui il parait que GW fait la chasse en ce moment, mais si GW pouvait mettre un peu plus de magie dans ses créations cela serait bien (meme si elles sont trés bien)

Ramiro Carrasco Jr.

I love you artwork. Screw GW! Make the Big E awesome! Please go all out on it. Excelsior!

Keith Wilson

Really looking forward to this one!


Maybe make some of the... adorning parts of the armor as separate printable pieces so you can avoid the wrath of GW and we can make our own "inserts" to make it what we all want


Yesssssssss very excite 😊

TwoHeavens. Esq

Shit the Lilth Hesperax D Elf stretch goal's gonna be amazing!


Can you make the Big E the model that comes in parts please.


Yeah, I'll have to figure out what's the best way to approach this.


Awesome. I advertised it for possible Lilith like drukhari. Could you make that post public now to draw newcomers?


Hi, I'll mention this new goal in my public post at the beginning of June.