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The Sci Fi Alternative Poll is up!  All items are taken from the Sci Fi Alternative Suggestion Box and are meant to be as varied as possible.  Here's the link to all the items in the poll (attached to post as well).  

I will choose the top n for next month's project, n to be determined by how complicated the top items are.    

The poll will be open until April 28th, 10:00am EDT.  Enjoy!  


Jonathan Watson

Oh boy, I'd love to see your take on Revan


Yeah me too. And Zerathul is an awesome looking character aswell.


Vampire hunter D would be EPIC!! Definitely one I haven't seen yet. In your style it would look great.

TwoHeavens. Esq

Some of these aren't exactly what I'd call Sci Fi... but the potential for some of these is incredible. Fingers crossed for Appleseed, that's an ancient animation gem.


I really want to get Yami Yugi, because me and a lot of my friends are big Fans of Yu-Gi-Oh!


Not familiar with Vampire Hunter D myself, but when I google it, it doesn't look very scifi. Doesn't she fit better in the fantasy department?


i second this. yugi, seto duel scene with exodiea and blue eyes and i will give you all my money lol

Red Knows Rain

Oh good lord I have no idea who half of these are...thanks for the pictures to help me out! :-P


Except yami yugi I don’t know anyone. This month’s survey doesn’t inspire me. I stayed this month only for ulrika

Charles Nadon

Makes me happy your patreons like vampire hunter d


Guts! Guts! Guts! :-D




Glory from shadowrun sounds awesome but many people probably won't have any idea who she is. She is a cyborg girl with claw arms and is pretty cool. Vampire hunter D or guts from berserk also sound great.


So many good inspirations, but Deunan and Briareous from Appleseed will always have a spot in my heart. :)

Shorugar G'tax

My favourite one is the only one with the least votes :( the Eclipse Phase Flexbot

Aubrey Ramage Lay

Wasn’t keen till I saw the picture but the bubblegum samurai is awesome looking, hope it wins!


Male type Revan, or female? and are we talking pre amnesia or post? it may be troupe'e but in that characters case i might be interesting to see a dark side, light side version confrontation.


no one has done an awesome D. It has to be you!

Simone Spinozzi

wait! Some of that stuff is all but sci-fi! <h1>😂</h1> but yeah i voted for some sci-fi version of guts because now i am curious. To be fair though the vast majority of the interesting stuff got zilch in terms of votes. Ah, well... <h1>😅</h1>


Eventhough the character can be played both male or female, the 'canon' version is male. And what does the pre/post amnesia matter in creating the model. The only difference (and correct me if I am wrong here) between pre and post dark side Revan was the color of his blade (red-&gt;purple) but you can paint that. The only time he dual wielded was during his appearance as a vision (so not the real Revan). Making a second arm with a lightsaber for dual wield would be cool though. Would love to see both Dark and Light side aswell, but I think that would be the same as making 2 models.


It's OK, flexbot. I still love/fear you. Judging by this poll though I have some pretty minority tastes.


More primarchs please!


Yes, I agree Ron!


This the non 40k scifi vote :P But yes, more primarchs!