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Pose updates are here!  Remember when I said Ulrika doesn't take shit from anyone?  Well, this is what I mean.  😄 Apparently, she's been on a bender a couple of times, slaughtering bandits to satisfy her bloodlust.  Hell, she barely listens to her own vampire matriarch.  Still, Ulrika comes from nobility so I included a more regal pose.  

Got the barbarians' attack poses as well.  Still working on their 'carry' poses and will show them once they are more refined.  

The majority of last month's hunter presupports are now available on sync.  The rest should be included soon.  One final reminder that a bunch of 40K style characters will be removed on the 16th of April.  If patrons haven't grabbed them yet, please do so.  

The vote for next month's Sci Fi Alternative project is coming up.  Will post the poll for that soon.  Stay tuned!  




I just joined tier 3, so I have not read up on all post - what 40k models are being removed in 2 days time?

Ramiro Carrasco Jr.

Good God Man! That's looking fantastic. Almost as good as my wife laying naked before me. That's waaaaay good!


I have her omnibus on the shelf, love it!

Colonel Overkill

Several in the file folder on sync have listed will be removed.I advise you get into the folder and download as its about 20gb in total roughly


Haha nice, sword, teeth and blood!!


That are some nice poses. Great work!

Simone Spinozzi

i love that the two barbarians have basically the same face, the man's just more pulled. 😂💖 Jokes aside: you're doing a great job and i doubt you need any comment here.


Ulrika the Vampire (Warhammer Chronicles Book 7) - Nathan Long. That'll pull it up on black library or amazon/google

Joseph Dolan

oh wow, that is fantastic!


Thanks for helping clear that up! 👍

Domi Schell

She looks super badass! I love it! 😁


The cup of blood is a nice detail.


Where is the file? I cant find it