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The Sisters of Battle take to the field, ready to put the fear of the Emperor into their enemies!  They bring all the weapons they are famous for, ready to reduce the Imperium's enemies to ash and cinders.  During battle, they will sing praises to the Emperor while a Canonness preaches from the Lectitio Divinitatus, a book written by a tratior Primarch (it's a long story).  

The punk variation is still WIP but I've figured out the hairstyle and 'guitar' that she'll be using.

I haven't forgotten about Valkia the Bloody either and I'm slowly working on that on the side.  She does have a very interesting armour set, so I've been experimenting on the best way to show that fleshy quality.  The shield especially is pretty cool.  More updates for the punk version and Valkia will be coming later.  Stay tuned!

Update January 15th: The presupports for the Dark Unity project are now available!





Simone Spinozzi

okay, the punk rock sister with the flaming guitar is a nice touch. and in general i like where you're going with this.


Reading the email I was thinking something along the line of "meh, please please please no more 40k...", but then the punk girl with guitar won me over ;) This could really be the way of meeting everyone expectations, while letting your creativity roar.


Your sculpts are on a whole other level...stunning!

The Nosh

Looking great, I'd love to see a version of the punk head/hair cut that's a full mohawk and completely shaved on the sides. Also, the punk version body it might be amazing to have a version with some exposed skin (or as much as possible) for tattoos to be painted on after printing :) Would love to see the armor chopped down to more of a punk vest with spikes... gotta be spiky! Loving the renders so far!


Love it :). Do you have any plans for melee weapons? Would be awesome to use this model also in a fantasy game.


Don't want to be that guy, but can you a Plasma Pistol, Storm Bolter, and a Meltagun? I'm willing to tip!

Richard Daglish

Is it just the two body poses? I’m trying to figure out if I can do a 5 person squad for the cabinet display.

Joe Beddoe

That thou wouldst bring them only death, That thou shouldst spare none, That thou shouldst pardon none We beseech thee, destroy them. -- from the Battle-hymn of the Adepta Sororitas (can you tell I love the fluff of the Sisters? :) )


Sorry, can't guarantee more weapons beyond a sword. There are other items I want to complete first.


There are technically three poses, one for light weapons, one for heavy and one specifically for the Canonness.


Will this be presupported?


Dewd your a legend ;) does G man come presupported btw ?


Yes, the presupports for that project are in the December folder. Presupports for each month's project will always be put as a subfolder when they are ready.


The Sisters are crazy.... but then again, who isn’t in W40k? Looking good as usual.

Aditya Yuwono

Is this already available somewhere?


wish i knew of this earlier lol


Is there another way to get the Sisters model?