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The first Sisters of Battle WIP is here!  I touched on their history before but here's a bit more context.  They were formed when the Imperium was transitioning from an empire of 'science and rationality' to 'we have no idea what we're doing anymore.  Time to pray to the Emperor for a bailout!'  Different sects were popping up and killing each other to try and be the dominant brand of Emperor worship.  This all culminated in one madman called Goge Vandire taking over the Imperium by pretending to be the Emperor and starting an even bigger mess.  

When the dust settled, a more level headed man called Sebastian Thor took over and formed the Ecclesiarchy.  To alleviate fears of another civil war, he promised the Ecclesiarchy would have 'no men under arms'.  This turned out to be a giant loophole because he just organized a bunch of existing female convents to become the militant arm of the Ecclesiarchy and the newly formed Ordo Hereticus.  And thus the Sisters of Battle were born on a technicality.  

While the Living Saint always looks kind of Zen, the Sisters of Battle are righteously angry for the Emperor, who they fervently believe to be the one true god.  As zealous as the Black Templars, they will go to insane lengths to purge anything they consider heresy (which is basically everything).  While all Sisters of Battle are pious, some are bound to be pyromaniacs as evidenced by their love of setting everything on fire.  Can you guess which head that will be? 😉

I'm working on different weapon types that the Sister of Battle models can use.  It should be fairly modular, so she can be a normal sister model or hero model (Canoness).  I'm still working on the punk version, which I'll show when it's more refined.  Stay tuned!  




very good !!! for the moment she is a bit heavy, espcially the bagpack


Just...wow! Your arch angel design was honestly the thing that finally pushed me to get into 3D printing and well...these are just incredible. Can't wait for the release!


Sisters are my shiz, loving the Ephrael style sleeves, on the modular side of things, would it be possible of having some of the symbols as inserts that one could choose from different Orders? Eventually having a blank insert if one would choose to paint in a minor or homebrewed Order.


LOVE IT! Modular is good as well bro....means I can make a whole squad of these beauties


An alternative version of the smaller backpack?


She looks amazing! One face with a scar maybe? 😉

Kinslord Mpf

I have to grant you one thing, I think you are the only sculptor capable of making me paint figures of features that I don't like at all. I dislike the Ultramarines but your Gilliman is on my painting list, also Battle Sisters don't tell me anything but this will be a must paint figure. Congrats, you are one of the best sculptors I know.


skulls on backpack are more chaos-like than loyal order, maybe you can make a version without them


i am more interest in the punk/cyberpunk version since it's for painting.


If not mistaken, the skull is part of the Ecclesiarchy's symbol (not too dissimilar from the inquisition's one) , and is seen on many illustrations of the Sisters... btw just glancing at the codex Sororitas page 17 rn ^^

M. Zottmann

The right head in the middle row seems to express sadistical joy, so I would say this is the pyromaniac one... Overall I love the detail and your modular approach.


That's not a bad idea. I'll focus on getting the essentials done and see what I have to work with.


I'm talking about skulls with skin where does the smoke come from/ (fire? )


Hmm, we'll see. The concept art makes it very clear the skulls should be included: https://nightsatthegametable.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Sisters-of-Battle-Codex-cover-2019-683x1024.jpg


Looks awesome. I really love that you also do a version with helmet :D btw What programm do you use to create these models ?


You are a true talent. Subscription for life!


Looks amazing. That backpack would make her a perfect Canoness or Palatine (they'll have rules soon!) on the table!

Joe Beddoe

In the Emperor's name, let none survive! So nice, so very, very nice. Those Sisters will be joining my crusade soon... :)