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The December vote results are in.  We have the Sister of Battle Project on top, followed by Horus and then the Tech Priest.  

Haha, I got to admit, I did not expect these results especially since I've done the Living Saint style project already.  As much as I like doing 40K style projects, I don't want to be pigeon holed into that setting exclusively. (The patreon is called 3DArtGuy not 40KGuy after all. 😄).  Also, I've discovered I can't really show these projects publicly without attracting unwanted attention from giant corporations.

Don't worry, I'll still do these three - the community did choose them after all.  I'll also throw in the Valkia/Kaleb Daark and Female Human Predator projects since there is enough interest.  I can't give a specific month for those two yet.  So here's what the future project schedule looks like:


  • Battle Sister Hero / Punk band variation


  • Horus Lupercal / traitor terminator champion 


  • Tech Priest 

Between January and March:

  • Valkia the Bloody / Kaleb Daark
  • Machiko Noguchi The female human Predator

The voting system will probably need to be updated so it doesn't favour one setting exclusively.  If patrons have suggestions on how to do this better, please PM me.

The December project assets are almost complete and early access versions are on sync.  I'll make another post in the next few days detailing the assets when they're all ready.  Stay tuned!  



Honestly if I were you I'd choose a different setting myself each time and let people vote on characters defined by that setting alone. Happy New Year!


I didn't expect the tech priest at all. Big fan of 40k I'm happy with the votes. Finding other themes is still difficult when 40k remains a benchmark for many people. To avoid excess 40k you may need to limit the choice of votes in order to provide more diversity to people and you.


It is a really hard problem to solve 🤔 I think you are doing a great job so far following the majority vote but mixing in stuff from other settings, and shifting focus to other settin might lose interest of some patrons. Maybe make votes single choice, so then 40k followers like me will not be checking more than one project and it will be more fair towards other followers?


Limit to a single entree per world? A 40K thing will likely still win every time, but it will be 1/3


I mean you can just flat out say no 40k projects this month or for the next two months, or putting some kind of limit on it because I agree you've gotta be able to market yourself outside of this patreon and it's difficult to do that if you're fending off lawsuits. Full disclosure I'm a dnd/painting follower and as cool as the 40k aesthetic is I'd love a bit more variety.


Why not post some sketches/concepts of things you'd like to work on? or alternate settings/genres monthly. artists do their best work when they're motivated.


Yeah big agree, I'd love to see what you'd like to work on


Yeah honestly, I'm getting tired of all the Warhammer 40k stuff. I'm still supporting because I believe in your artistic vision. However, all I know is that I won't be really printing 40k content.


Yea, I can imagine this can be quite limiting of creative freedom / own preferences. And honestly, I'm quite surprised 40k is so popular. I mean, I knew it's not an obscure, tiny fanbase, but it's not exactly mainstream...compared to let's say Star Wars, Star Trek, D&D and the like. Coming up with a perfect workaround will probably be hard - one that would allow both you and the patrons to have all the preferences met. But it doesn't have to be perfect. Good enough is, well, enough ^^ You could perhaps present a theme (vampires for instance) and we could then give ideas within the bounds of the topic. While ideally also keeping a "veto" power for yourself - the right to refuse any suggestion you wouldn't enjoy working on. Then voting as usual. With occasionally the whole thing of adding alternate versions, secondary characters and dioramas so you can have some creative fun with whatever gets voted in :)

Kinslord Mpf

I was dreading the outcome while voting. I like W40K but I think the market is very saturated on the subject and that GW may be upset, some of my friends have had models withdrawn from Thingiverse for being 40K themed. A shame because there were very good ideas that were not 40K. I am sending you some ideas for the next vote privately. Keep up the great work you are doing!

Grumble Bumpkin

I definitely agree with the overall sentiment about 40K in both the post and comments. I know other Patreons I've supported have struggled with this too and it's a difficult problem to solve. I've seen some success with voting on concept art as selected/made by the creator though. One of the guys I support does his own 2D character sketches and everyone votes on which they like most. If one loses several votes in a row it gets replaced with another later. Another did a similar thing, though they just did collages of images that inspired their creativity. I like both systems quite a bit, so perhaps trying that out for a couple months might work. Off topic, but I loved that someone asked for Roland from the Dark Tower in the last poll. I don't know how intense the copyright attention is on IP from books, but I thought the suggestion was very refreshing and wouldn't mind seeing more inspiration from book series that don't get much attention in the 3D printing/modeling/painting circles.

Simone Spinozzi

Oooh! Neat! But if i must be honest, to solve the IP stuff... i would do one simple thing. Start your own personal IP and then do something like you just did to select popular characters, except you specify they must be based on looks alone. Then, with a series of polls ask people what it was in the character's looks that they liked and take only those elements of the original design, so that you will have your own creativity, then ask people what they liked of the original character's personality and lore and when the character is released you only take those elements and write your own story. So that, bit by bit, people will get what they ask, but also they will get your version, sanitized of other copyright infringing stuff. Better yet. Take several characters and to this with all of them, then "merge them" taking only the visual elements and the lore history that people told you they liked. Slowly, over time, this will result in your own IP that is totally original and "should"*** (lotsa asterisks there) have what people like. 😅 Mostly... yeah. Whenever is see that people base their patreons on fanart, i do really start to worry that at some point the hammer will fall. And when we're talking "megacorps vs independent artists" it's always the equivalent of a sledgehammer against a biscuit.

Simone Spinozzi

i mean, honestly the best way to solve IP would be to start your own IP stuff and then ask people what they wish to see more of or what pieces of lore/character-set to expand, buuut then you will lose a lot of the people who are here only because they like what they saw somewhere else. Waning them off of the addiction usually works better. 😂👍💖

Simone Spinozzi

Honestly i love fan art like the next guy. But when i see an artist that (like you) used to do his thing and is now being asked only and exclusively fan art i really wish there could be some way to diversify this. Like "only X projects are going to be fan art and my interpretation of it anyway" or something along those lines. Because when i came back here what attracted me were the interesting and inventive designs. What i see right now are still interesting and inventive, but also... very focused on other IPs rather than your own creations. And yes... giving a "personal spin" to something is always satisfying, but not when that is all that you are asked to do ever. 😅 I... honestly do not know how you feel on this. I mean... sure... having an estrablished baseline is sure to cut down on the time of making this and helps you gain more profit out of the whole endeavour. Aaand yeah. Whatever... i see i am rambling. Sorry.


Maybe just me, but calling a preference for the style of a specific franchise an addiction that you have to be weaned off like a child is pretty insulting. Telling the artist to slowly "sneak in" different elements so nobody notices is even more so. I understand what you are trying to say, but seriously, leave that superior attitude at the door....


Let's put in a view from the other side of the table here, I think. I'm, plain and simple, here because of the high quality 40k display pieces. To be honest, I'm getting tired of everyone saying that the market is "oversaturated" with 40k. No, it's oversaturated by proxies that are just that little bit different to not immediately invite a lawsuit. I consider that jarring, and am not interested in cramped, forced aesthetics that are slightly different for IP reasons. What you are currently doing perfectly suits my taste, and that is why I am here. *shrug* Others will feel differently, of course.

Simone Spinozzi

Yeah, that's how you get hit by a C&D and possible lawsuits tho. If you do not care about the artist you are supporting, why are you supporting this artist?

Simone Spinozzi

"slowly sneak in other elements so that nobody notices"?! He plainly showed concerns about being blasted with a C&amp;D from GW who is... notorious for not being one that lets go of their IP. In response... I plainly asked he starts making his stile more evident and starts doing other stuff besides other people's IP. If you were asking for your own Original Characters and by "original characters" i don't mean "i have this character that exists in this other person's IP" or something of an intellectual property he either owns or can work with, it being a creative commons or an old intellectual property whose rights are currently in the public domain, that would be quite fair. Asking the <b><i><u>occasional</u></i></b> "fan art" of established IPs is also fair. Asking him constantly and only 40K stuff because "the others offer proxies because they are scared of lawsuits" is... beyond jarring. It's insulting. It means you don't care about his art or his penal standing if he gets hit by stuff that prevents him to work for other companies.

War Mammoth

Like you have done with the next four months, I would take the suggestions and then filter them for that month's poll. For example, one month's poll is limited themed in a "universe" around 30_K or 40_K years into the future based on the filtered suggestions. The next month is filtered based on inspirations from anime, comics, video games, movies, books, or a different sci-fi world (e.g., Vamp. Hunt. D post-apocalyptic world with mutants and the decline of vamps). The next month is filtered on fantasy or monster characters compatible with sci-fi and fantasy. The next month could be a poll based on scenery? Hopefully, this makes sense. Happy New Year!


You make no sense at all. So you suddenly presume to decide what the artist should or should not make, and if anyone else request something that does not happen to match what you allow, they don't care about his art? Only you do? Don't you see yourself how little sense that makes?


I have no idea why you are that aggressive and have taken up a crusade here, but I am done discussing with you. Artist asked opinions on further projects and received them, what he does with that is up to him, just as it should be. No clue why you come in insulting everyone who has a different opinion.


Tbh, I am mostly here for the 30k/40k stuff aswell. The Crusader is what made me subscribe. I understand that you want to make other stuff aswell and that is perfectly fine and understandable. The 30k/40k IP is in my opinion not overrated, mostly due to the risk of lawsuits. Most printable stuff you find is generic fantasy stuff (which can be awesome aswell). Some suggestions here sound good: Restrict a IP to a certain amount of only take 1 model of an IP during a poll. I am afraid though that some patron might leave if the amount of 40k content will drop. Would not be a surprise that I send you an idea for next month that is 40k themed aswell. Happy new year!


I'll always be a loyal patreon because I love your work, but I do love 40k/30k, and you bring it to life perfectly


I like W40k, so you can’t go wrong with that, but I’d also like to see some other things. Themed polls or restricting winners to 1 W40k-themed work per poll sound like good ideas.


One approach could be to have 3 separate polls for 3 different styles of models. That way you aren’t cornered into only making 40k style while also offering the grim dark approach for those who want it. Either way, love your work and look forward to your next releases!