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The December Project Vote is here!

Here are the suggestions given (attached as well).  The top three suggestions will be chosen as projects.  Please refer to the attached file for all concept variations to a suggestion:

The poll will last until December 28th 10:00 am EDT.  Enjoy!



Will the tech priest be in general variant, or more similar to Belisarius Cawl? Because it would make a perfect centerpiece for my Admech army :P


Do I have to press a button after voting?


Hi, if chosen I'll stick to the concept provided as close as possible. If there's time to make a Cawl version, sure.


You should be good after just selecting your choices. No save button is needed.


Is it one vote per person?

Simone Spinozzi

Woah, i voted may, they were all very interesting I ... tried to avoid stuff that could get you a copyright strike, but let's face it there was very little if anything in here that would not get you a copyright strike and what little there was seemed a bit bland as far as suggestion went. Sooo ... since techpriests and hive tyrants get so little love... 😅


Wow, that's one tight fight for the third spot (first and second safely ahead). Would be funny if it ended in a three-way tie for that one. Would that net us 5 minis? ^^


I'll be gutted if the Tech priest gets more than the chaos champion. Especially as Daark hasn't had a new mini in decades.


Interesting choices. I wish one of the vehicles would win, but it doesn’t look that way right now.


The Sisters of Battle will always get my vote. But I would still love to see Machiko Noguchi get made, I could use her as a Death Cult / Eversor Assassin!