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I am pleased to announce that I have secured professional help to presupport my designs.  That has been the number one request and I have managed to find excellent service by a user called Yessik.  Attached are examples of his presupports for my Succubus.  He provides support on a Discord channel for any presupports he makes:


Moving forward, I will prioritise presupporting new projects (the single versions first).  I will look into presupporting my older projects later.  Patrons can find these presupports in the normal welcome folders (you don't need to ask me for download links).

The remaining assets for October are now available on sync and mega (mega.nz is only for older patrons).  Here's the final breakdown.

Tier 3: 

  • Cyberpunk Bounty Hunter Single in  October2020_CyberpunkBountyHunter 
  • Cyberpunk Bounty Hunter Parts in October2020_CyberpunkBountyHunter 
  • Valkyrie Single in October2020_Valkyrie 
  • Valkyrie Parts in October2020_Valkyrie  

Tier 2: 

  • Cyberwolf Single  October2020_Cyberwolf 
  • Valkyrie Wolf Single  October2020_ValkyrieWolf 

I will make a public post about this at the beginning of October.  Next up is the Dark Elf and Red Riding Hood Project.  I will post a WIP when there is something substantial to show.  Stay tuned!  



Aviad Madar

Yessik supports are amazing! this is incredible news especially considering the level of detail and the paint in the ass to support some of the models are!


I like the supports by him

Alex A

Excellent news. Bravo and grats!


This is amazing! I would love to eventually get the presupported versions of the previous models as I'm terrible with doing supports myself


does this mean we will get the presupported version for the succubus!? this is great news and really saves so much time. I hate doing the supports myself. edit* I probably should have looked at the folder first since i see it there already.


Yessik does an incredible job. He is very helpful to people new to 3d printing as well.


Yes, suports made by Yessik's team are the best. Make sure to increase your exposure time bit everyone! *Very* good news indeed.

Charles Nadon

This will help so much!


Fantastic news, thanks!!!

Simone Spinozzi

❤️ catching up on patreon now. I like this. ❤️


Just think about how many hours of effort you've saved the world by having one person do supports properly instead of 500 amateurs all doing it themselves!


@3DArtGuy Can we possible get The Crusader from your recent diorama done by your new support Pro? Very keen on printing the diorama crusader and Champion Single with larger helmet but struggling to get a good support layout for them


I sent a single file of ALL crusader parts with supports to 3d art guy last week. it may be uploaded.