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The September votes are in and the winner is the Dark Elf/Red Riding Hood combo!  In second and third we have a Primarch and Atraxa. Poll Results. 

So moving forward, October will be Dark Elf/Red Riding Hood.  Roboute and Atraxa are both pretty complex designs so I may need to put them into separate months.  I'll have a better idea once I do more research.  

The remaining Valkyrie and Cyberpunk assets are almost done and will be available before the end of the month.  I also have some exciting news that patrons will like.  Will post about it soon.  

 Thanks to everyone who voted and congratulations if your choice got picked!  



Simone Spinozzi

oh! neat! soooo A dark cyber elf with hood and giant wolf? Also Atraxa. Yet more 40k. 👍💖


YESSSS ATRAXA!!! I can't wait to see her as your creation


Awesome result, all three ideas will be fantastic. It's a shame 30k villain primarch who doesn't yet have a model didn't beat Raboute but man you would do fantastic on either so that's fine by me!


Looking forward to them all!


big fan of MTG Commander so can't wait to print a version of your Atraxa for my desk at work! :D


Sad face, but I’m looking forward to it!


Don't worry, suggestion can be reused. 👍 The 40K Warlord didn't win the first time it was in a poll either.