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The complete set of assets made in August are now available.  Patrons can find them in the sync and mega.nz links (mega is only for older patrons).  Here is the final breakdown:

Tier 3 

  • Sanguinius (single and parts version): Archived as SanguineAngelOne_Single.7z and  SanguineAngelOne_Parts.7z within folder 'SanguineAngelVersionOne'
  • Sanguinius Diorama: Archived as SanguineAngelOne_Diorama.7z within folder 'SanguineAngelVersionOne' (This is scaled to the single version of Sanguinius)
  • Sanguinor (single and parts version): Archived as SanguineAngelTwo_Single.7z within  SanguineAngelTwo_Parts.7z  within folder 'SanguineAngelVersionTwo'

Tier 2 

  • Seraph (single version): Archived as Seraph_Single.7z within 'Seraph'
  • Seraph (parts version): Archived as Seraph_Parts.7z within 'Seraph'

I will make a public post about this early next month.  Hope everyone enjoyed the creation process!  

Coming up, we have the Valkyrie and the Cyberpunk Bounty Hunter.  The plan is still to do this within one month but if one character takes more time than expected then it might spill over to October.  

Thanks and stay tuned!  





Thank you so much!


Thanks - nice mini 👍

Alex A

What's the sync URL again?


You added new stuff from yesterday? I downloaded them yesterday so just wondering

Aviad Madar

Right on the buzzer! amazing stuff mate


New update??


i dont see them, were they taken out?


Hey I joined and couldn't find the august links? the one above just dumps me at my own mega account.


Hi Evan, please go to the Tier Reward links in my About Section. You will find the monthly sync links there. The mega.nz links are for older patrons.


i cant find Sanguinus files, everything in tier 3 from august is officer files :<


Hi,sorry to bother, but i can't find Sanguinius files too,there is only officer files in august folder

Kurt Pateman

I'm guessing i have missed out on all the Sanguinus files right?