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Good day!

For this month, I have one more secret bonus item to share - a diorama showing what happens when a bunch of Traitor Legionnaires decide to attack a Primarch.  The results are...about what you'd expect.  Why these geniuses thought they could take on one of the Emperor's sons remains a mystery.  But onlookers will report that these Space Marines appeared to be 'tripping balls.'

In all seriousness, the reason why I included so much bonus material this month is because the Siege of Terra is raging on in recent novels.  And since the Sanguinor is 'close enough', I felt inspired to highlight the Primarch that fought so hard and sacrificed so much to keep the Emperor's dream of unifying humanity alive.  While Dorn coordinates defence strategies and the Khan denies the traitors reinforcements, it is Sanguinius that soars into the thickest of the cataclysmic battles.  He is the linchpin in the defence, inspiring the greatly outnumbered loyalists to new levels of heroism and buying precious time for reinforcements to lift the siege.

Anyways, the parts versions of the characters are almost done.  Those assets including this diorama will be available by the end of August 31st.  



Aviad Madar

By the Red Angel and his father, beloved by all, this is incredible

Simone Spinozzi

Larry! Curly! Moe! Evry time you think, you weaken the nation! But i guess that if at first you do not succeed, keep on sucking until you do.

War Mammoth

Total Perfection (again). Thank you for going above and beyond!


wow~this is nice😍😍😍


So this is available this Monday? :D


Hi Ricardo, yes all items I worked on this month will be available by the end of the month.


Wow wow wow, dude, this is amazing!


is it out yet? as i cant find it...


Hi, I just found this patreon thanks to someone posting the Sanguinius picture. It is truly amazing, I'm glad I've been able to subscribe on time :) By the way, wasn't sure if the model was included or not until I subscribed, maybe it would be a good idea to make the releases posts public so everyone could now what it is included in a month before subscribing.


Hi i cant find sanguine pack on sync


Holy moly! Where do i get a 3d print of this!


Hi there! Is Sangui still on the Tier 3 pack? Or I missed it? :)


OMG please tell me that I stll can get this file!!!


Howzit! Just joined. Your work is amazing! How do I get these files and also the Horus/Sanguinius files?!