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Hi everyone,

For the month of July, I am please to release the Heart Demon Pack.  The Heart Demon or 'Demon King' is the most ancient of Lower Plane denizens, born from the first act of sin.  It is the apex predator of the Abyss, unchanged across millennia while lesser kin evolved to mimic the fears of mortal bestiaries.  The Demon King comes with two poses and a throne built from the bodies of failed usurpers.  Here is the full breakdown in the tiers:

Tier 2

  •     Heart Demon Throne (Single Version)
  •     Heart Demon Throne (Parts Version)

Tier 3

  •     Heart Demon  Pose One (Single Version)
  •     Heart Demon  Pose One (Parts Version)
  •     Heart Demon Pose Two (Single Version)
  •     Heart Demon Pose Two (Parts Version)

The Abyssal Claw the King uses is free and can be found here. The Demon King Pack will be available until July 31st.  

For people interested in my patreon, I am currently making a Commissar.  The next project will be determined by patron suggestions and voting.   





This is gorgeous. Can't wait to try printing it.


Can anyone help me find the links to download the files please. Im pretty knew to this whole things so I am not the brightest color in the crayon box


Click on "My Membership" tab, scroll down to "About 3DArtGuy", click on the tier you subscribed to and there you will find the links. Download all tiers since there are different content in different tiers.


Thank you for your time in answering this question for me. I found what I was looking for with your help. I greatly appreciate it

Halo Noir

Money is tight this month, but I HAD to come back for this!


Ah darn, missed the different tier thing for last month then. Just to confirm each tier is uploaded indipendantly; a higher tier will not encapsulate content from any lower tiers?


Hi Dean, yes Tier 2 is for accessory items and Tier 3 is for full characters.


Oh poop. I think I have only been downloading tier 3 stuff. now to go back to my hard drive with 2 terabytes of stl's and verify.


I know it's the final hour here but I don't see the link still up and it is July 31st still. Did I miss it? Sorry, life has happened this month :(.