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Good day!

The second pose for the Heart Demon and all remaining assets are now available on sync and mega.nz (for older patrons).  I've also created a parts version of the Demon King Throne.  Here is the breakdown in Tiers:

 Tier 2

  •    Heart Demon Throne (Single Version)
  •    Heart Demon Throne (Parts Version)

Tier 3

  •    Heart Demon Pose One (Single Version)
  •    Heart Demon Pose One (Parts Version)
  •    Heart Demon Pose Two (Single Version)
  •    Heart Demon Pose Two (Parts Version)

I will make a public post about this at the beginning of next month.  That's it for the Heart Demon project!  It was a lot of fun making something original and frightening.  Hope everyone enjoyed the project as well.  

Next up we have Ciaphas Cain (HERO OF THE IMPERIUM!) and that will be a great character to tackle.  I have a bunch of exciting ideas for this project as well.  Will post an update when I have something substantial to show.  Stay tuned!  


War Mammoth

Great job and awesome! Would you please consider adding an alternative part of a Commissar head (like Ciaphas's hat) but with Death Korps of Krieg style gas mask? Then I could also use the design as a Death Korps of Krieg Commissar, which would be amazing! Thanks for considering.


hi.....where is the file on sync.......????


*gasp* How did you know what I was planning? it's like you're a psyker or something! 😉


Hi Martin, they're in folders within the sync links (folders called HeartDemonPoseOne and HartDemonPoseTwo).

War Mammoth

Awesome and thank you! Can't wait to see the epic model in its variations! I usually don't let anyone know that I am a psyker, but I will make an exception this time. :) Great minds think alike! I am likely to build an entire DKofK army around your gas-mask wearing model and some new background.


I can't find it......sorry


It's literally the first files you see when you open the folders. I just opened the sync folders and they are at the top.


I think I'm doing this wrong :( I click on the mega link and it just takes me to my own page


The link only takes us to the main page of Mega.nz