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Good day!

Got a new update to show how the Demon King earned his title!  The Realms is a dangerous place, with power struggles between countless factions. Bastions like Icewind Dale and Mithral Hall are constantly beset by Orcs. Demons and Devils wage their unending Blood War.  Even the gods battle endlessly, with mortal forces waging wars to expand their deity's influence.  Inevitably, some greater power will turn their eye on the First Demon.  A Solar, Archmage or newborn god perhaps, eager to claim the head of the so called Demon King for their own purposes.  Little do they know the depths of their folly...

The throne is the symbol of the King's unimpeachable might.  It is the ultimate punishment for upstarts who have the temerity to battle a pillar of existence.  When a challenger inevitably fails, their broken bodies are torn apart and added to the King's grotesque effigy.  Then slowly and painfully, their souls are sucked dry by the throne, a process that can take several ice ages.  Time is undefeated and so is the King, for he lies above all the Realm's petty power struggles.  

It took me awhile to design the throne but I think it looks suitably badass and disturbing.  Hope everybody likes the designs so far. I've added the preliminary design for the fire but that will need some refinement.  The next step will be to finalize the King's posture and begin making the single and parts design for this pose.  Stay tuned!  
