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The Death Knight is shaping up nicely so the next round of votes will begin on the 15th December.  Patrons, please PM your choices or feel free to post it in on Discord.  Old choices are definitely valid as well!  



Hey, sorry, I’m quite new here. What are we supposed to vote exactly? New poses for existing models? Or completely new models?


Hi Alexandru, after every project all patrons can give me suggestions on what to make next. These suggestions get put into a poll and everyone votes. The suggestion with the highest vote gets chosen as the next project. Patrons can pretty much suggest any subject matter (i.e. Elf, Monster, Spaceship etc).

Simone Spinozzi

oh, i am a fan of "mimickry" so to speak. Stuff that pretends to be other stuff. Either good old mimics from D&D (the tables/treasure-chest/coinage/rugs that are actually animals) or other monsters that look a lot like other different things. Like bugs/birds/other-unhealthy-things that can pass for humans or other things like that. The cultist from a couple of months ago were a nice touch and i liked them, and i liked the steampunk construct in the shape of a minotaur too. Sooo... let's see... Oh, yeah something totally ridiculous but that takes skill to pull off the right way. a fantasy space ship. Emphasis on *ship*.

Simone Spinozzi

Back-up proposal (and "festive themed") space santa!

Mihovil Skelin

how about a landsknecht greatsworder, with puffy sleeves and an extravagant hat. Or if we are getting a death knight maybe somehing opposite, like a paladin.


Sweet, that sounds really cool! I will add the landsknecht and paladin to the poll!


Some sort of space zombie, but maybe not zombie in the straight up sense, but like an entity taking over an astronaut, Event Horizon style. (Maybe more Space Chaos then)


I would love a model of Senua from Hellblade. It would make for a kickass barbarian miniature :). I'm still all for the Hellhound with the bear trap and all that.

Victor Jalencas

I would say, a figure like the Monkey King from Journey to the West. This can be made into a very dynamic pose IMHO.