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The weapons and banner for the Death Knight project is here (multiple images attached)!  Like his armour, the Death Knight's weapons have been blessed by Chaos.  Some are mortal weapons that have been infused by the warp while the daemon sword is pulled straight from the hellish realm itself.   For the sake of completeness, I've included a more normal looking sword, but why would you use that when you have a daemon sword?  

As promised, I've also created a chaos banner to inspire the dread hordes.  Woe to any poor sod who gets in the Death Knight's way.  

Next, I'll be making some more minor adjustments to the Death Knight and then focus on making him printable.  Stay tuned!  




that sword is sick

Simone Spinozzi

Okay the skull eating the other skull made me chuckle, so did the skull going "peekaboo" between the blades of the mace. It's appropriate, it manages to be funny and it stays in theme. So KUDOS! • Love the idea of going for bat wings to create a theme for the blade while still keeping an edge. • The mace has lots of flair and style an i love it a lot it feels like you're going to "use your head(s collection)" to hit people which i truly like as a stealth joke and if looks and feels like a proper death-themed • For the sword you seem to be going for a realistic sword instead of a fantasy one with a fantasy guard. I like that idea. Do you want to keep the fantasy proportions of the blade or are you going to go for a realistic look in the final version? • the death standard is just... <img src="https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/438627582716542976.gif" width="40">


Thanks, glad you like the designs! Yeah, I plan to have at least one realistic looking weapon in case patrons don't want the miniatures looking too wacky ;). But you can always mix and match!