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The June Vote Results are in!

So it looks like a long time poll suggestion and a newcomer won this round. Malus Darkblade has been on a lot of Fantasy polls but finally gets his time to shine! And Westeros is back with a vengeance with Targaryens riding dragons! Hell yeah! 🔥 As mentioned before, I will slot in Ahriman into next month so I can start trimming the list of Grimdark runner ups.

Okay, so I have a bunch of final WIPs to show for next month's release. I wanted to do lot more stuff this month but there were some community requests that came up so I gave priority to them. To start things off, the Raven Lord now has an option for folded wings including all the other variants I showed throughout the month. Mix and match the versions you like best! 👍

There was another request to change the way Vect's Dais proxy and to include side gunners. I went back and created a version that had those features but hopefully doesn't get the Angry Company riled up. All that being said, my dais proxy will be a highly customizable raider vessel that you can swap parts out to get the look you prefer.

For the GOAT, I ended up tons of poses and skin variants (only the best for the best!). He'll have a bunch of different poses to kill his opponents (like a farmer swatting flies his buddy Rann once said 😅). Oh, and you know how Black Templars have a special rule called 'Accept Any Challenge?' Well Sigismund is going to take it one step further. He's going to issue every challenge and all his opponents are going to die. It's all about trimming the fat. 😄

There was also something special I wanted to do with Sigismund this month but I just didn't have time to get around to it. So I'll save that for another Grimdark month.

Okay, now onto the bonus reward. So I made it clear this month I'd be working on Alizabeth Bequin, a fan favorite from the original Eisenhorn trilogy. I got quite a few casting suggestions for her so it was quite the conundrum to choose out of so many strong candidates. I ended up styling her after Rebecca Ferguson as I could see her playing the Alizabeth role based on the Mission Impossible movies.

I had thought of two costumes for her, one when she was an agent in Eisenhorn's retinue. In Hereticus, she was quite the crack shot with dual laspistols so I styled one appearance after that. I also had another diorama idea for her based on events in Malleus but I only managed to get halfway there. So for July's bonus month, I'll just include the bust version of her alternate costume and include the final complete version in the month afterwards.

And that's another Grimdark month in the bag! So much I wanted to do but didn't have the cycles for but that's okay, there's always another Grimdark month! 👍 As usual, Grimdark fans please let your friends know what's coming in July. The majority of what I do never really gets shown properly and any help on this front is greatly appreciated!

Also, it's been a couple of months since I switched to email only for eligible community members regarding the welcome pack and MMF rewards. Just a reminder this is all based on pledge/renewal date. If any community member has not been receiving this information for any reason, please let me know and I'll see if there is a fix.

Okay, time to make me a dragon rider. And remember, All is Dust! 😉




Grats to all the Malus fans. Happy you guys finally get your boy.


Sigismund's tabbard is not textured on both sides and not even all parts visible from front. I noticed this on several of your minis, and it actually doe snot look all that great when printed. Either leave away the texture entirely, or do it all around it please. This is a common issue you have with all kinds of tabbards, I think you keep re-using the same base object, so the issue persists.