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More in depth Corax summary in a bit. But for now, I did want to mention the Raven Lord has an interesting superpower, a passive psychic ability to remain unseen. It's not really true invisibility but individuals cannot perceive Corax if he chooses not to let them although sensors will still detect him. But as a stealth operator/ninja, Corax has no equal because he can literally stand in front of somebody and they'll just say 'Is someone there? No, must be my imagination." 😄 Curze even admits Corax and his chosen sons are the superior stealth specialists, something that makes him very jealous. 😅

So for Corax's poses, I wanted to make a dynamic one with a lot of versatility. He can use his lightning claws (different versions) to saw through packs of traitors or snipe them from afar with his archeotech pistol.

I also wanted to do a bit of a re-enactment during the Dropsite Massacre, when Corax went on an absolutely spectacular murder spree. You see, the Raven Lord was culling Gal Vorbak (Word Bearers Possessed Marines) at such a terrifying rate (examples shown) that Lorgar tried to intervene. The First Heretic even tried to explain his reasons for turning traitor but Corax was having absolutely none of that BS and the Raven Lord immediately gained the upper hand, trying to kill his brother as quickly as possible while Lorgar merely tried to stay alive. Suffice to say Corax gave Lorgar an absolutely savage beatdown and several permanent scars (which I hope to immortalize in a future month) but Curze intervened before the Raven Lord could finished the job.

But the Raven Lord hasn't forgotten Lorgar and the other traitors. He's made it his personal mission to hunt down all those motherless bastards (something Guilliman once said but it still applies here) and bring them to his personal brand of justice. More on that in a future Grimdark month. 😈

And while I don't think he has rules for this, Corax also comes with a whip, a throwback to his days living under the oppression of the Kiavahr slavers. Corax enjoyed the irony of turning the weapon of the oppresor against them. I also got a community request for folded wings, something I'm currently working on at the moment. 👍

Okay, now onto Vect who somehow manages to be even more Grimdark. So what do you need to know about the leader of the Black Heart Kabal and current supreme overlord of the Dark City of Commorragh?

Well to start off, you should probably know that Dark Eldar and Eldar actually have several physiological differences. All Eldar are destined to be devoured by Slaanesh upon death but Craftworlders have spirit stones which protect this from happening. As long as their spirit stones remain intact, they can just chill out in the Infinity Circuit.

Dark Eldar don't have this and their souls are actually constantly being drained by She Who Thirsts. To counter this, Dark Eldar have chosen to nourish themselves on the agony of their victims through a kind of psychic vampirism. Suffering is literally how they sustain themselves and delay Slaanesh from fully consuming their wretched shriveled souls. Which means all Dark Eldar are vicious, cruel and devious bastards who need a constant supply of torture victims to prolong their parasitic existence.

Other factions may kill you in very painful ways but it's usually quick. Dark Eldar don't want to kill you quickly. They want to prolong your misery as long as possible to savor every iota of pain and scream like a succulent steak. And with a galaxy full of juicy humans, it's basically an all you can eat buffet for them. 🍖🍰🍷

Why do I bring all this up? Well in a faction of the most vile, cunning, and cruel individuals the galaxy has to offer, Vect is the top dog. He has reigned in Commorragh for almost the entire time since the Eldar's Fall, moulding it into the vast, mind bending metropolis it is today. Rivals constantly plot to usurp Vect but he has dealt with all of them in suitably cruel ways. And the fact that no Dark Eldar has managed to outwit or outfight him should tell you just how dangerous he is. So the short answer is, don't mess with Vect. He will inflict indescribable punishments upon all his enemies. Those who aren't dead would probably prefer being devoured by Slaanesh.

So I decided to pose Vect standing instead of his usual languid sitting position. Since it's Dark Eldar, the most messed up faction in 40K, Vect will come with his personal Incubi bodyguard and all the different variations of slaves possible. Remember, their cries grant them strength! 😱

Fantasy voting is up right now. Feel free to cast your vote! More Grimdark goodness coming later this month. Stay tuned!



Big Al

Awesome! Currently reading deliverance lost & it really captures the mood of my hawk boy!