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More Grimdark goodness is here!

The majority of Grimdark WIP content are not on Patreon anymore.  But community members can still access the all the content as mentioned in previous posts.  Just to be thorough, community members will receive an email with the access information as well.

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So as many community members might have noticed, I've been referring to Sigismund as the GOAT (Greatest of all time) in all my posts. Some might think that's a pretty bold claim but I'm probably underselling how absolutely insane Sigismund is in combat. How OP is he? Well on tabletop, he actually has a weapon skill equal to many Primarchs and higher than Lorgar's. That's already pretty mind boggling even if Lorgar isn't a martial oriented Primarch. 😲

But in universe, Sigismund holds the record for highest number of duels won and longest winning streak. The proudest Space Marines from rival Legions grudgingly acknowledge that the First Captain of the Imperial Fists is in a league of his own. Sanguinius even once commented that Sigismund looks less like Dorn's champion and more like the personification of death. So yeah, if a Primarch (Sanguinius no less) says you're the GOAT, you're the damn GOAT.

Funnily enough, Sigismund was actually discovered by Night Lord recruiters on Terra. But he was handed over to the Imperial Fists during the evaluation stage since he was deemed most compatible with the 7th Legion from a genetic and phycological standpoint. Sigismund's biography is pretty extensive but suffice to say, his rise was meteoric and soon became part of the Templar Brethren (a special 1st Company organization in the Imperial Fists).

One major highlight was acting as Dorn's champion in an argument between Ferrus Manus and the Adeptus Mechanicus regarding future Imperial policy about conquering worlds. In what was to become the first of the longest string of victory duels in Space Marine history (and Iron Hands getting egg on their face), Sigismund beat the tenth Legion's champion and got on everyone's radar as an unparalleled swordsman.

Other significant parts of his career include going on Legion exchange with the World Eaters and becoming pretty good buddies with Khârn (he brought back the World Eaters tradition of chaining his weapon to the Templar Brethren) as well as getting into a famous spat with Sevatar of the Night Lords. While the two were pretty evenly matched, it was clear that Sigismund was getting the upper hand in that duel. So Sevatar cheated and headbutted his opponent to avoid a loss. Hehe, that's a Night Lord for you. Then again, telling a Night Lord not to cheat is like telling Abaddon not to fail. 😄

Anyways, fast forward to the Siege of Terra and that's where the real fun begins. After months of fighting, Dorn had been holding back his most elite forces as a strategic reserve but things were reaching the point of no return and something had to change. Dorn finally decided to unleash his First Captain who had only been warming up by slapping Fulgrim around (yes, really) and kicking Eidolon off a wall.

Dorn told Sigismund that the leash was finally off and ordered him to go inflict as much death and carnage against the enemy as possible. And boy, did he ever. With a newly delivered Black Sword (sent directly from Big E), the First Captain started hunting down all the top dogs in the Chaos forces. He killed Chaos champions like they were first day neophytes and made the average Chaos Space Marine look like Guardsmen. This was a huge morale booster for the defenders of Terra who up to this point thought the Chaos forces looked unstoppable. That's when loyalists started referring to Sigismund as the Emperor's Champion, a title originally held by Dorn. The Primarch didn't begrudge his son the title, only commenting that it 'suits him'. See, even Dorn thinks his son is the GOAT. 😄

So to honour that absolutely insane kill streak during the Siege of Terra, I decided to create a diorama showing the piles and piles of traitor marines that fell to his sword. Honestly, the corpse pile should be a lot higher and much more numerous but most printers can only handle so much. 😅 But that's only the beginning of what I have planned. I've got some badass poses in mind and a little extra I wanted to include in the diorama that really puts the icing on the cake. Also, I've included some examples of different cross symbols I plan to include so community members can mix things up.

Next up is Vect's Dais of Destruction. Now I haven't gotten to the Archon himself yet, as I wanted to get the vehicle itself done first. But basically the ship is a heavily modified Ravager Heavy Support craft used by Dark Eldar's Supreme Lord. Like all Dark Eldar craft, I've designed my proxy to be raiding vessel with mounted firing platforms and cage pen areas to collect slaves. I've also included my Lelith proxy and new Incubi proxies to crew the decks. Evil(er) Q and torture victims to come later this month.

Okay, next up are more Corax, Sigismund badassery and I'm also started the design phase for Alizabeth Bequin.

To continue my Fantasy casting theme this month, who would fans of the character cast to play Alizabeth? Please let me know in the comments. 😄

Fantasy voting will also begin in the next few days so please have your suggestions submitted in the next few days. Thanks!




Matthew Flegal

Honestly, whenever I pictured her I thought Eva Green.


Honestly, I'm hoping the final Vect is a bit different from these renders. I was hoping to mix it in with my current Drukhari army, but the dais -while cool- is just too far off of their existing aesthetic for me. The attendants are looking cool, though. I'm hoping I can mix them in.


Hi, my Vect proxy will look like an Archon. For the ship, what sort of modifications would you want to make it fit your army's aesthetic?