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The next Fantasy update is here!

Due to this event, there are some content from this WIP will not show Patreon anymore. Community members can still access this content and in depth summary of the character in the same way I mentioned in previous posts.  Just to be thorough, community members will receive an email with the access information as well.

Please leave any comments/feedback/reactions on this post like you would normally do for that character. Thanks!

So next in our lineup this month is Morathi from Warhammer Fantasy and Age of Sigmar. Being totally unfamiliar with her character, I don't have much to say lorewise. Apparently she used to lead a pleasure Cult of Slaanesh in WF. Then in Age of Sigmar she's High Oracle of the Daughters of Khaine. This is confusing to me so I'm just going to let the super elf fan explain this one.

But visually, she's always been a character with a lot of snake motif and in Age of Sigmar, she's gone full Medusa mode. I do kind of wonder how she can fight when she has a 100 pound paperweight of metal and hair on her head though. Is she like the evil Warhammer version of Rapunzel?) 🤔 But anyways, for my proxy versions, I'll be keeping that visual flair for both her elf and giant snake versions (WIPs for giant snake version later this month).

I've even got a bit of a head start with her poses. Morathi definitely has a kind of swagger in her art so I've tried to replicate that. If fans have any opinion on how her snake version should be posed, please let me know!

So the last new addition this month is the Vampiress which is based on some Pathfinder concept art but not on any particular character. I've done a few vampire characters so I wanted to try and make a more feral version this time around where's she's in fully in the throes of bloodlust. I wasn't really sure what kind of costume she was wearing but I tried to stick the basic visual aesthetic of the suggestion. I'm also thinking about giving her some different hairstyles like something you'd see on a countess.

Now, it's onto poses! Community members can let me know if they want these characters posed in any particular way and I'll try my best to accommodate. I've started the GK posing and they'll definitely be...cheesy 🤤. Also, GK fans, what kind of psychic effects do you want him to unleash? Please let me know!

Sci Fi voting will start within the week. Please have your suggestions submitted before then. Thanks!



David Millington

Both really nice, would love to have the vampire with alternative no fangs and claw so for RPG I could use her as noble who hides vampire till required and ambushes the players. But still love whatever


Can I recommend the beauty and the beast corps from MGS4 for the sci fi poll? They’ve got the dual role of awesome mechanical armor design and cheesecake pilots. Just my two cents ;) as always props on the amazing work!


Thanks! 👍 Yeah, sounds like a great suggestion. Please add it to the Sci Fi suggestion box!