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A new Fantasy update is here!

Due to this event, there are some Grimdark style content from this WIP will not show Patreon anymore.  Community members can still access this content and in depth summary of the character in the same way I mentioned in previous posts.  Just to be thorough, community members will receive an email with the access information as well.

Please leave any comments/feedback/reactions on this post like you would normally do for that character. Thanks!

So let's start off with the long delayed Arueshalae from Wrath of the Righteous. She is what I like to call the reversal of the fallen angel trope. I believe the paraphrased quote from a WOTC loading screen was if an angel can fall, can a demon ascend? Basically, Desna goddess of Freedom of Luck in Pathfinder gave Arueshalae a spiritual awakening and now this Succubus hopes to atone for her wicked ways.

In WOTC, you as the player have the ability to help her or turn her back to the Dark Side. As you can see, from a visual standpoint Arueshalae is definitely very different from the standard Succubus and comes across as pretty shy instead of beguiling. Although she is still very vain about her wings (the one thing she doesn't want Desna to change). For my take on her, I stuck with her standard ranger gear although I thought it'd be cool to give her some butterflies to signify Desna as her goddess (When Arueshalae dies in combat, Desna actually intervenes to spirit her away in a shower of butterflies).

For poses, I think it'd be cool to have her flying and shooting, something you sadly can't do in the game.

Okay, next up is Morathi proxy and the vampiress. Got any special ideas that you want to see for them? Please let me know, thanks!

Next up is Morathi and the vampiress. Got any special ideas that you want to see for them? Please let me know, thanks!




these are looking REALLY good. My only critique is that Arueshalae probably wouldn't be holding the bow by the string (unless that's part of the character's lore and I'm just unaware).


I can't wait to get a hold of this shield for my Cerastus Knight Lancer!


Thanks! Yeah, she should be holding the handle instead. I'll change it. 👍


Awesome! When is Grand Master releasing?!?!


Thanks! 👍 All characters done as WIPs this month will be available next month.