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It's less than 3 minute's long, an excerpt: "Men know that women resist being abused, men know that women don't like to be abused, only psychologists think that women fail to resist abuse."


Video 09 Understanding Abusive Behaviour - Aug 2018 | Creating Conversations event | Dr Wade

https://www.insightexchange.net/ A snapshot from ‘Creating Conversations Event’ hosted by Insight Exchange Key speaker Dr Allan Wade from the Centre for Response-Based Practice Canada. Digital Facilitation by Gavin Blake and Videography by Clay Fisher.


Butch Anarchy

Another powerful one from the same series: "So Indigenous women in the north of Canada particularly but all over Canada, who if they have a partner who is violent they're not only resisting their partner's violence, they're also resisting state colonialism. They want the violence to stop but they don't want their partners to get racism, they don't want them to get beaten in custody, they don't want them to get incarcerated, they don't want them to be humiliated, they just want the violence to stop." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HeSTtT9OWbo&list=PLZ3cNi3tQ6H9QbZyWLvCe8keeZUaN5sJR


Thanks for sharing these! This video and several others on the channel offer such a refreshing precision in discerning violence and language.